C++ How to Program (4th Edition)

Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

  C++ How to Program (4th Edition)  Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel  With nearly 250,000 sold, Harvey and Paul Deitel's C++ How to Program is the world's best-selling introduction to C++ programming. Now, this classic has been thoroughly updated! The authors have given this edition a general tune-up of object-oriented programming presentation. The new Fourth Edition has a new code-highlighting style that uses an alternate background color to focus the reader on new code elements in a program. The Deitels' C++ How to Program is the most comprehensive, practical introduction to C++ ever published -- with hundreds of hands-on exercises, roughly 250 complete programs written and documented for easy learning, and exceptional insight into good programming practices, maximizing performance, avoiding errors, debugging, and testing. This new Fourth Edition has an upgraded OOD/UML case to latest UML standard, as well as significant improvements to exception handling and operator overloading chapters. Features enhanced treatment of strings and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With nearly 250,000 sold, Harvey and Paul Deitel's C++ How to Program is the world's best-selling introduction to C++ programming. Now, this classic has been thoroughly updated! The authors have given this edition a general tune-up of object-oriented programming presentation. The new Fourth Edition has a new code-highlighting style that uses an alternate background color to focus the reader on new code elements in a program. The Deitels' C++ How to Program is the most comprehensive, practical introduction to C++ ever published -- with hundreds of hands-on exercises, roughly 250 complete programs written and documented for easy learning, and exceptional insight into good programming practices, maximizing performance, avoiding errors, debugging, and testing. This new Fourth Edition has an upgraded OOD/UML case to latest UML standard, as well as significant improvements to exception handling and operator overloading chapters. Features enhanced treatment of strings and......

Membrane Computing

Gheorghe Paun

  Membrane Computing  Gheorghe Paun  Like quantum computing or DNA computing, membrane computing is an unconventional model of computation associated with a new computing paradigm. The field of membrane computing was initiated in 1998 by the author of this book; it is a branch of natural computing inspired by the structure and functioning of the living cell and devises distributed parallel computing models in the form of membrane systems, also called P systems. This book is the first monograph surveying the new field in a systematic and coherent way. It presents the central notions and results: the main classes of P systems, the main results about their computational power and efficiency, a complete bibliography, and a series of open problems and research topics. Thus, the book is indispensible reading for anybody interested in membrane computing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Like quantum computing or DNA computing, membrane computing is an unconventional model of computation associated with a new computing paradigm. The field of membrane computing was initiated in 1998 by the author of this book; it is a branch of natural computing inspired by the structure and functioning of the living cell and devises distributed parallel computing models in the form of membrane systems, also called P systems. This book is the first monograph surveying the new field in a systematic and coherent way. It presents the central notions and results: the main classes of P systems, the main results about their computational power and efficiency, a complete bibliography, and a series of open problems and research topics. Thus, the book is indispensible reading for anybody interested in membrane computing....

Adobe GoLive CS Tips and Tricks

Adam Pratt, Lynn Grillo

  Adobe GoLive CS Tips and Tricks  Adam Pratt, Lynn Grillo  GoLive CS is more than just a simple Web authoring tool: As part of Adobe's new Creative Suite (which includes Photoshop and Acrobat), it's a key component of an overall Web workflow that lets you work seamlessly among all of your graphics applications to create spectacular Web sites. This info-packed guide lets users get right down to doing by focusing on just the GoLive features they?re mostly like to use and showcasing each in a stand-alone tip--complete with a relevant hint or two and a graphic example. In this fashion, you learn as you go, exploring the program in a way that makes sense to you. Before you know it, you'll be importing layered Photoshop files into GoLive, creating PDF files from within the GoLive environment, and using the visual layout grid and Cascading Style Sheets to turn out fluid, beautiful Web pages. Also covered are all of GoLive CS' new features: better coding tools, on-the-fly style rendering, and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин GoLive CS is more than just a simple Web authoring tool: As part of Adobe's new Creative Suite (which includes Photoshop and Acrobat), it's a key component of an overall Web workflow that lets you work seamlessly among all of your graphics applications to create spectacular Web sites. This info-packed guide lets users get right down to doing by focusing on just the GoLive features they?re mostly like to use and showcasing each in a stand-alone tip--complete with a relevant hint or two and a graphic example. In this fashion, you learn as you go, exploring the program in a way that makes sense to you. Before you know it, you'll be importing layered Photoshop files into GoLive, creating PDF files from within the GoLive environment, and using the visual layout grid and Cascading Style Sheets to turn out fluid, beautiful Web pages. Also covered are all of GoLive CS' new features: better coding tools, on-the-fly style rendering, and more....

Все типы расчетных задач по химии для подготовки к ЕГЭ

А. С. Егоров

  Все типы расчетных задач по химии для подготовки к ЕГЭ  А. С. Егоров  
.   Среди заданий, предлагающихся на Едином государственном экзамене по химии, достаточно велико число различных расчетных задач, предусмотренных типовой программой школьного курса химии. Настоящее пособие содержит краткие теоретические сведения, необходимые для решения таких задач; на большом числе примеров показана методика их решения; приведены также задачи для самостоятельной работы. Последний раздел пособия включает 130 конкурсных задач с решениями по неорганической и органической химии. Предназначено для учащихся и преподавателей, гимназий и лицеев.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Среди заданий, предлагающихся на Едином государственном экзамене по химии, достаточно велико число различных расчетных задач, предусмотренных типовой программой школьного курса химии. Настоящее пособие содержит краткие теоретические сведения, необходимые для решения таких задач; на большом числе примеров показана методика их решения; приведены также задачи для самостоятельной работы. Последний раздел пособия включает 130 конкурсных задач с решениями по неорганической и органической химии. Предназначено для учащихся и преподавателей, гимназий и лицеев....

Проверим на вшивость господина адвоката

Екатерина Вильмонт

  Проверим на вшивость господина адвоката  Екатерина Вильмонт  АСТ, Астрель.   Городской роман.   Есть ли у деловой женщины время и силы на истинно глубокое, неповторимое чувство? Или ее удел - цинизм и одиночество? Что ей остается, если карьера, казалось бы, потерпела крах? Может, плюнуть на все и выйти замуж за иностранного АСТ, Астрель. Городской роман. Есть ли у деловой женщины время и силы на истинно глубокое, неповторимое чувство? Или ее удел - цинизм и одиночество? Что ей остается, если карьера, казалось бы, потерпела крах? Может, плюнуть на все и выйти замуж за иностранного "принца", благо он под рукой? Или все-таки подождать настоящей любви?...

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C++ How to Program (4th Edition). Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel . Книги.

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