Crisis Leadership: Using Military Lessons, Organizational Experiences, and the Power of Influence to Lessen the Impact of Chaos on the People You Lead

Gene Klann

  Crisis Leadership: Using Military Lessons, Organizational Experiences, and the Power of Influence to Lessen the Impact of Chaos on the People You Lead  Gene Klann  Book DescriptionCrisis Leadership: Using Military Lessons, Organizational Experiences, and the Power of Influence to Lessen the Impact of Chaos on the People You Lead (CCL, 2003), by Gene Klann, Ph.D., a member of the Center for Creative Leadership?s training faculty. Crisis Leadership is designed to help leaders assess their strengths and weaknesses, learn new competencies and prepare for events that are as unpredictable as they are unavoidable. It draws not only on Klann?s experiences atCCL with executives from around the globe, but also on his U.S. Army career, where he advised a South Vietnamese infantry unit during the Vietnam War and commanded a battalion of 600 paratroopers during the first Gulf War. Klann contends that while the highly charged and often dramatic events surrounding a crisis can profoundly affect the people in an organization and even threaten its survival, there are actions a leader can take before, during and after to reduce the duration and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionCrisis Leadership: Using Military Lessons, Organizational Experiences, and the Power of Influence to Lessen the Impact of Chaos on the People You Lead (CCL, 2003), by Gene Klann, Ph.D., a member of the Center for Creative Leadership?s training faculty. Crisis Leadership is designed to help leaders assess their strengths and weaknesses, learn new competencies and prepare for events that are as unpredictable as they are unavoidable. It draws not only on Klann?s experiences atCCL with executives from around the globe, but also on his U.S. Army career, where he advised a South Vietnamese infantry unit during the Vietnam War and commanded a battalion of 600 paratroopers during the first Gulf War. Klann contends that while the highly charged and often dramatic events surrounding a crisis can profoundly affect the people in an organization and even threaten its survival, there are actions a leader can take before, during and after to reduce the duration and......

Н. В. Гоголь. Собрание сочинений в 5 книгах и 7 томах. Книга 3. Том 5. Мертвые души

Н. В. Гоголь

  Н. В. Гоголь. Собрание сочинений в 5 книгах и 7 томах. Книга 3. Том 5. Мертвые души  Н. В. Гоголь  Астрель, АСТ.   Н. В. Гоголь. Собрание сочинений в 5 книгах и 7 томах ( Астрель, АСТ. Н. В. Гоголь. Собрание сочинений в 5 книгах и 7 томах ("Астрель", "АСТ"). Настоящее собрание сочинений Николая Васильевича Гоголя в пяти книгах и семи томах включает в себя все художественные, литературно-критические, публицистические и духовно-нравственные произведения писателя (в том числе и незавершенные). Этот том включает в себя главное творение Н.В.Гоголя - поэму "Мертвые души", ставшую "той подвижнической кельей, в которой он бился и страдал до тех пор, пока вынесли его бездыханным из нее" (П. В.Анненков). Сохранившиеся главы второго тома печатаются в двух редакциях....

The Essential Mark Rothko

Klaus Ottmann

  The Essential Mark Rothko  Klaus Ottmann  Book DescriptionMark Rothko (1903-1970) is generally considered, along with Jackson Pollock, the preeminent artist of the group of painters who, during the 1940s and '50s, re-invented American art and became known as the Abstract Expressionists. Yet despite his success--people cried when they stood in front of his sublimely spiritual canvases--he suffered from intense anxiety and depression, and eventually took his own life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMark Rothko (1903-1970) is generally considered, along with Jackson Pollock, the preeminent artist of the group of painters who, during the 1940s and '50s, re-invented American art and became known as the Abstract Expressionists. Yet despite his success--people cried when they stood in front of his sublimely spiritual canvases--he suffered from intense anxiety and depression, and eventually took his own life....

Silks for Thrones and Altars: Chinese Costumes and Textiles

John E. Vollmer

  Silks for Thrones and Altars: Chinese Costumes and Textiles  John E. Vollmer  Book DescriptionSILKS FOR THRONES AND ALTARS presents 77 Chinese textiles from the 14th through the 18th century, divided into three groups. The first group consists of clothing and furnishing fabrics made for and used by the ruling elite of China. Regardless of their dates or the ethnic origins of various dynastic rulers, these trappings of nobility served the political and social goals of those in power. The second group contains Chinese silks found beyond the borders of the empire, specifically in Tibet, Japan, and Western Europe. The presence of Chinese luxury in a foreign context, whether the result of commerce or diplomacy, affected local ideas of status and prestige. The last group presents textiles made for Taoist and Buddhist liturgical use. Within the Buddhist traditions of Tibet and Japan, secular textiles found new uses without losing the prestige with which they had originally been imbued.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSILKS FOR THRONES AND ALTARS presents 77 Chinese textiles from the 14th through the 18th century, divided into three groups. The first group consists of clothing and furnishing fabrics made for and used by the ruling elite of China. Regardless of their dates or the ethnic origins of various dynastic rulers, these trappings of nobility served the political and social goals of those in power. The second group contains Chinese silks found beyond the borders of the empire, specifically in Tibet, Japan, and Western Europe. The presence of Chinese luxury in a foreign context, whether the result of commerce or diplomacy, affected local ideas of status and prestige. The last group presents textiles made for Taoist and Buddhist liturgical use. Within the Buddhist traditions of Tibet and Japan, secular textiles found new uses without losing the prestige with which they had originally been imbued....

The Codes Guidebook for Interiors, Study Guide

Sharon Koomen Harmon

  The Codes Guidebook for Interiors, Study Guide  Sharon Koomen Harmon  Book DescriptionNow available in an updated and expanded third edition, The Codes Guidebook for Interiors incorporates the latest standards for interior projects. The book presents the International Building Code, Life Safety Code, NFPA 5000, ICC/ANSI accessibility standard, and many others in a clear, jargon-free style. In addition, you'll find a thorough referencce for the NCIDQ exam or the interior portion of the ARE. Whether you're an architect, interior designer, facilities manager,construction manager, or developer, The Codes Guidebook for Interiors, Third Edition is an indispensable tool of the trade. Order your copy today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionNow available in an updated and expanded third edition, The Codes Guidebook for Interiors incorporates the latest standards for interior projects. The book presents the International Building Code, Life Safety Code, NFPA 5000, ICC/ANSI accessibility standard, and many others in a clear, jargon-free style. In addition, you'll find a thorough referencce for the NCIDQ exam or the interior portion of the ARE. Whether you're an architect, interior designer, facilities manager,construction manager, or developer, The Codes Guidebook for Interiors, Third Edition is an indispensable tool of the trade. Order your copy today....

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Crisis Leadership: Using Military Lessons, Organizational Experiences, and the Power of Influence to Lessen the Impact of Chaos on the People You Lead. Gene Klann . Книги.

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