The Everything Stir-fry Cookbook: 300 Fresh and Flavorful Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

Rhonda Lauret Parkinson

  The Everything Stir-fry Cookbook: 300 Fresh and Flavorful Recipes the Whole Family Will Love  Rhonda Lauret Parkinson  Adams Publishing Group.   The Everything.   More and more people are turning up the heat and cooking healthy meals made with fresh ingredients. With stir-fry cooking, chefs at all levels can shave off time preparing meals for their families by serving up heart-friendly dishes in just minutes. Adams Publishing Group. The Everything. More and more people are turning up the heat and cooking healthy meals made with fresh ingredients. With stir-fry cooking, chefs at all levels can shave off time preparing meals for their families by serving up heart-friendly dishes in just minutes. "The Everything[registered] Stir-Fry Coobook" is a sizzling sourcebook of 300 recipes, with step-by-step instructions on how to: make healthy poultry, pork and vegetable dishes, starting with the freshest ingredients; select the correct equipments and prepare rice from around the world; and whip up fish/shelfish dishes, noodle selections, creative marinades sauces, and second-helping worthy desserts. "The Everything[registered] Stir-Fry Cookbook" offers helpful tips and techniques for making mouthwatering recipes in less time than it would take to choose what to order from a Chinese menu....

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The Everything Stir-fry Cookbook: 300 Fresh and Flavorful Recipes the Whole Family Will Love. Rhonda Lauret Parkinson . Книги.

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