Загадка княжны Таракановой

Эдвард Радзинский

  Загадка княжны Таракановой  Эдвард Радзинский  Аргументы и Факты. Экспресс-Сервис, Зебра Е.   Очередное историческое расследование Эдварда Радзинского, посвященное самой загадочной женщине 18 века.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аргументы и Факты. Экспресс-Сервис, Зебра Е. Очередное историческое расследование Эдварда Радзинского, посвященное самой загадочной женщине 18 века....

Organizational Learning : Creating, Retaining and Transferring Knowledge

Linda Argote

  Organizational Learning : Creating, Retaining and Transferring Knowledge  Linda Argote  Book Description Why do some organizations learn at faster rates than others? Why do organizations Book Description Why do some organizations learn at faster rates than others? Why do organizations "forget"? Could productivity gains acquired in one part of an organization be transferred to another? Learning curves have been documented in many organizations, in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The classic learning curve model implies that organizational learning is cumulative and persists through time. However, recent work suggests that firms also demonstrate depreciation of knowledge,or "forgetting". Such understanding becomes more exciting as one looks at the link between learning and productivity. Organizational Learning: Creating, Retaining and Transferring Knowledge describes and integrates the results of research on factors explaining organizational learning curves and the persistence and transfer of productivity gains acquired through experience. Chapter One provides an overview of research on organizational learning curves. Chapter Two......

Dignity and Justice For All : Blueprint to a Positive Work Environment

Camille J. Cances

  Dignity and Justice For All : Blueprint to a Positive Work Environment  Camille J. Cances  Book DescriptionTo survive in business today we need to take advantage of every opportunity and asset available to us. Frequently we become so engrossed in looking for new and exciting answers that we forget to go back to the basics and inventory our existing resources. The underlying strength of most businesses are their employees. When we forget to treat our employees as the valuable assets they are, production and income can suffer. Dignity and Justice for All offers insights and reminders on how to develop and retain a positive work environment, one where support, respect, and teamwork are evident at all levels of the organization. When self-improvement, motivation, and accountability become the expected standard, dedication and loyalty on both sidesexpand. As a positive work force develops, employee turnover decreases, productivity increases, and the objective of everyone becomes the success of the business.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTo survive in business today we need to take advantage of every opportunity and asset available to us. Frequently we become so engrossed in looking for new and exciting answers that we forget to go back to the basics and inventory our existing resources. The underlying strength of most businesses are their employees. When we forget to treat our employees as the valuable assets they are, production and income can suffer. Dignity and Justice for All offers insights and reminders on how to develop and retain a positive work environment, one where support, respect, and teamwork are evident at all levels of the organization. When self-improvement, motivation, and accountability become the expected standard, dedication and loyalty on both sidesexpand. As a positive work force develops, employee turnover decreases, productivity increases, and the objective of everyone becomes the success of the business....

Hidden Graphics

Oscar Guayabero

  Hidden Graphics  Oscar Guayabero  Book DescriptionAimed at rediscovering the most experimental and least-known graphic designs created in Catalonia between 1965 and 2002, Hidden Graphics digs deep and deliberately at the fringes of what might be called the Book DescriptionAimed at rediscovering the most experimental and least-known graphic designs created in Catalonia between 1965 and 2002, Hidden Graphics digs deep and deliberately at the fringes of what might be called the "official" history of design. On the lookout for graphic and sociological innovation, this volume plumbs work within the following limits: minimal distribution, intended for a small audience, and emblematic of a time and reflecting a will to experiment, critique or innovate. Categories include: Graphic Transgressions (stating a clear transgressive will in both content and form), Technographics (where employed technology marks meaning), Metadesign (intended for communication between designers, done without commission or by self-commission), and Graphic Interlopers (created by non-designers). Edited by Oscar Guayabero and Jaume Pujagut. Paperback, 6.75 x 9.5 in./272 pgs / 650 color 0 BW0 duotone 0 DVD~ Item D20236...


Susan Diplacido

  Trattoria  Susan Diplacido  Download DescriptionWhat happens when a charming, out-of-work actor is tapped to wine, dine, and romance an attractive young woman, but he ends up falling for her sister instead? Val Antonucci, a pretty, vivacious twenty-something is quickly becoming jaded. In an effort to strengthen Val's trusting side and spice up her love-life, her older brother and sister hire the new waiter at their trattoria, Danny Alvieri, to woo her. But real sparks soon fly between Danny and Val's sister, the laid-back Lucy. Adding heat to the stew is the fact that the trattoria is in financial trouble. While Val is relatively unconcerned about this as she collects her paycheck without bothering to clock in most days, Lucy and her brother Cy have to struggle to make ends meet and fend off aggressive competitors. When their plans start to unravel, the sibling rivalry starts to boil over, and everyone involved is going to have to struggle and pull together if they plan on a feast instead of famine.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Download DescriptionWhat happens when a charming, out-of-work actor is tapped to wine, dine, and romance an attractive young woman, but he ends up falling for her sister instead? Val Antonucci, a pretty, vivacious twenty-something is quickly becoming jaded. In an effort to strengthen Val's trusting side and spice up her love-life, her older brother and sister hire the new waiter at their trattoria, Danny Alvieri, to woo her. But real sparks soon fly between Danny and Val's sister, the laid-back Lucy. Adding heat to the stew is the fact that the trattoria is in financial trouble. While Val is relatively unconcerned about this as she collects her paycheck without bothering to clock in most days, Lucy and her brother Cy have to struggle to make ends meet and fend off aggressive competitors. When their plans start to unravel, the sibling rivalry starts to boil over, and everyone involved is going to have to struggle and pull together if they plan on a feast instead of famine....

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Загадка княжны Таракановой. Эдвард Радзинский . Книги.

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