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Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms D.A. Andow, A. Hilbeck, N. Van Tuat
Within Vietnam, the environmental risks of transgenic plants, managing transgenic products safely, and building modern labs to assess their safety has received increased investment and research. This book is the first scientific effort to synthesize information relevant to GM crops in Vietnam, taking Bt cotton as an example. It can be used as a technical manual to enable Vietnamese scientists to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of Bt cotton varieties prior to commercialization, and provides guidance for environmental risk assessment of any transgenic crop....
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Quantization and Arithmetic (Pseudo-Differential Operators) Andre Unterberger
The primary aim of this book is to create situations in which the zeta function, or other L-functions, will appear in spectral-theoretic questions. A secondary aim is to connect pseudo-differential analysis, or quantization theory, to analytic number theory. Both are attained through the analysis of operators on functions on the line by means of their diagonal matrix elements against families of arithmetic coherent states: these are families of discretely supported measures on the line, transforming in specific ways under the part of the metaplectic representation or, more generally, representations from the discrete series of SL(2,R), lying above an arithmetic group such as SL(2,Z)....
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Лечение черным тмином, луком, верблюжьим сеном, чесноком, перечной мятой, медом, финиками и водой Замзама
Диля. В книге рассказывается о лечении как распространенных, так и не очень болезней средствами, указанными Посланником Аллаха. Несмотря на свою простоту, многочисленные рецепты довольно эффективны....
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Hark! Ed McBain
Orion. Gloria Stanford was very sexy, very rich and very, very dead. Found in her plush, city apartment, she had been shot twice in the heart, and her credit cards and ID were taken. It's only when the 87th Precinct's Steve Carella starts to receive bizarre cryptic notes that he realises that something bigger than a simple homicide is going on. It seems that the Deaf Man is back, a notorious crook and killer from years before. Long thought dead, he's back on the loose and wants to make it big ... the question is: what's he after? Формат: 11 см х 17,5 см....
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Central African Republic Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook Ibp Usa
Central African Republic Business & Investment Opportunities Yearbook...
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Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms. D.A. Andow, A. Hilbeck, N. Van Tuat . Книги.
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