Abril rojo/Red April

  Abril rojo/Red April  Santiago Roncagliolo  Santiago Roncagliolo  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Santiago Roncagliolo...

The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Virtual Reality (The Lucent Library of Science and Technology)

Lisa Yount

  The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Virtual Reality (The Lucent Library of Science and Technology)  Lisa Yount  Virtual reality uses computer graphics, sound, and even touch to make users feel part of imaginary worlds. It's a star of high-tech entertainment, but it also has serious uses in education, science, and business. In the future it may change the way people feel about Virtual reality uses computer graphics, sound, and even touch to make users feel part of imaginary worlds. It's a star of high-tech entertainment, but it also has serious uses in education, science, and business. In the future it may change the way people feel about "real" reality....

12 месяцев рыбалки

Алексей Горяйнов

  12 месяцев рыбалки  Алексей Горяйнов  Эксмо.   Новая книга автора - это его профессиональный взгляд как опытного рыболова на места и способы ужения рыбы. Фамилия Горяйнов известна среди рыбаков со стажем не меньше, чем Сабанеев. Им придуман не один десяток конструкций рыболовных оснасток и приманок, а также модернизированы те, которыми с успехом на протяжении многих лет пользуются рыболовы. В этом практическом пособии рыболов любого уровня подготовки откроет для себя новые горизонты; здесь есть нюансы, которые прежде еще никем не были описаны. Структура книги подчинена идее выделять в каждом месяце именно ту рыбу, которую с успехом можно в это время поймать, причем автор советует применить для каждого вида определенную снасть.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Новая книга автора - это его профессиональный взгляд как опытного рыболова на места и способы ужения рыбы. Фамилия Горяйнов известна среди рыбаков со стажем не меньше, чем Сабанеев. Им придуман не один десяток конструкций рыболовных оснасток и приманок, а также модернизированы те, которыми с успехом на протяжении многих лет пользуются рыболовы. В этом практическом пособии рыболов любого уровня подготовки откроет для себя новые горизонты; здесь есть нюансы, которые прежде еще никем не были описаны. Структура книги подчинена идее выделять в каждом месяце именно ту рыбу, которую с успехом можно в это время поймать, причем автор советует применить для каждого вида определенную снасть....

Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco, 1850-1920 (The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Society, and the State)

Edith Sparks

  Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco, 1850-1920 (The Luther H. Hodges Jr. and Luther H. Hodges Sr. Series on Business, Society, and the State)  Edith Sparks  Late nineteenth-century San Francisco was an ethnically diverse but male-dominated society bustling from a rowdy gold rush, recovery from the earthquake, and explosive economic growth. Within this booming marketplace, some women stepped beyond their roles as wives, caregivers, and homemakers to start businesses that combined family concerns with money-making activities. Edith Sparks traces the experiences of these women entrepreneurs, exploring who they were, why they started businesses, how they attracted customers and managed finances, and how they dealt with failure. Using a unique sample of bankruptcy records, credit reports, advertisements, city directories, census reports, and other sources, Sparks argues that women were competitive, economic actors, strategizing how best to capitalize on their skills in the marketplace. Their boardinghouses, restaurants, saloons, beauty shops, laundries, and clothing stores dotted the city's landscape. By the early twentieth century, however,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Late nineteenth-century San Francisco was an ethnically diverse but male-dominated society bustling from a rowdy gold rush, recovery from the earthquake, and explosive economic growth. Within this booming marketplace, some women stepped beyond their roles as wives, caregivers, and homemakers to start businesses that combined family concerns with money-making activities. Edith Sparks traces the experiences of these women entrepreneurs, exploring who they were, why they started businesses, how they attracted customers and managed finances, and how they dealt with failure. Using a unique sample of bankruptcy records, credit reports, advertisements, city directories, census reports, and other sources, Sparks argues that women were competitive, economic actors, strategizing how best to capitalize on their skills in the marketplace. Their boardinghouses, restaurants, saloons, beauty shops, laundries, and clothing stores dotted the city's landscape. By the early twentieth century, however,......

Career Opportunities In Law Enforcement, Security And Protective Services (Career Opportunities)

Susan Echaore-McDavid

  Career Opportunities In Law Enforcement, Security And Protective Services (Career Opportunities)  Susan Echaore-McDavid  Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement, Security, and Protective Services is an up-to-the-minute guide to over eighty job opportunities related to protective services, from state trooper, forensic pathologist, and DEA agent to computer investigation specialist, EMT, park ranger, and air traffic controller. Each career profile includes an overview of duties, salary ranges, employment prospects, and prerequisites.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Career Opportunities in Law Enforcement, Security, and Protective Services is an up-to-the-minute guide to over eighty job opportunities related to protective services, from state trooper, forensic pathologist, and DEA agent to computer investigation specialist, EMT, park ranger, and air traffic controller. Each career profile includes an overview of duties, salary ranges, employment prospects, and prerequisites....

<<<  Основы философии. А. А. Сычев             Embedding Ethics: Shifting Boundaries of the Anthropological ... >>>

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Abril rojo/Red April. Santiago Roncagliolo . Книги.

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