The Rest of Love : Poems

Carl Phillips

  The Rest of Love : Poems  Carl Phillips  Book Description The light, for as far as I can see, is that of any number of late afternoons I remember still: how the light seemed a bell; how it seemed I'd been living insider it, waiting - I'd heard all about that one clear note it gives. --from Book Description The light, for as far as I can see, is that of any number of late afternoons I remember still: how the light seemed a bell; how it seemed I'd been living insider it, waiting - I'd heard all about that one clear note it gives. --from "Late Apollo III" In The Rest of Love , his seventh book, Carl Phillips examines the conflict between belief and disbelief, and our will to believe: Aren't we always trying, Phillips asks, to contain or to stave off facing up to, even briefly, the hard truths we're nevertheless attracted to? Phillips's signature terse line and syntax enact this constant tension between abandon and control; following his impeccable interior logic, "passionately austere" (Rita Dove, The Washington Post Book World), Phillips plumbs the myths we make and return to in the name of desire--physical, emotional, and spiritual....

The Billboard Illustrated Home Recording Handbook

  The Billboard Illustrated Home Recording Handbook  Book DescriptionA comprehensive and accessible guide to making music on a home computer, this book is perfect for beginners, a godsend for musicians trying to keep up with technology, and an inspiration to anyone thinking of the best way to make music more easily. The handbook covers all the software and hardware needed to create any type of music on a computer. Plus, professional tips and jargon troubleshooters are provided throughout the text to help individuals through the technology minefield and provide expert information in a digestible form. With the solid advice and information found in this book, individuals will be able to make music using the same methods as professional musicians.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA comprehensive and accessible guide to making music on a home computer, this book is perfect for beginners, a godsend for musicians trying to keep up with technology, and an inspiration to anyone thinking of the best way to make music more easily. The handbook covers all the software and hardware needed to create any type of music on a computer. Plus, professional tips and jargon troubleshooters are provided throughout the text to help individuals through the technology minefield and provide expert information in a digestible form. With the solid advice and information found in this book, individuals will be able to make music using the same methods as professional musicians....

Screening the Beats: Media Culture and the Beat Sensibility

David Sterritt

  Screening the Beats: Media Culture and the Beat Sensibility  David Sterritt  Book DescriptionFilm critic David Sterritt?s Screening the Beats: Media Culture and the Beat Sensibility showcases the social and aesthetic viewpoints of lynchpin Beat writers Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg, juxtaposing theirartistry with 1950s culture and achieving what Kerouac might have called a Book DescriptionFilm critic David Sterritt?s Screening the Beats: Media Culture and the Beat Sensibility showcases the social and aesthetic viewpoints of lynchpin Beat writers Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg, juxtaposing theirartistry with 1950s culture and achieving what Kerouac might have called a "bookmovie" riff. In clear prose, Sterritt captures the raw energy of the Beats and joins in their celebration of aesthetic freakishness. Tapping into the diversified spirit of the Beat Generation and its nuanced relationship with postwar American culture, Sterritt considers how the Beats variously foreground, challenge, and illuminate major issues in Hollywood and avant-garde film, critical and cultural theory, and music in the mass-media age. Sterritt engages the creative and spiritual facets of the Beats, emulating their desire to evoke ephemeral aspects of human existence. Dealing with both high and low cultures as well as various subcultures, he......

Hardy Boys 61: The Pentagon Spy (Hardy Boys)

Franklin W. Dixon

  Hardy Boys 61: The Pentagon Spy (Hardy Boys)  Franklin W. Dixon  Book Description First valuable antique weather vanes are stolen in Pennsylvania Dutch Country and Frank and Joe are hired to catch the thieves. Meanwhile, their father is asked to find a missing Navy employee and a top-secret government document. What is the connection between the missing weather vanes and the Pentagon spy? The final chapters of this thrilling mystery uncover a stunning revelation!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description First valuable antique weather vanes are stolen in Pennsylvania Dutch Country and Frank and Joe are hired to catch the thieves. Meanwhile, their father is asked to find a missing Navy employee and a top-secret government document. What is the connection between the missing weather vanes and the Pentagon spy? The final chapters of this thrilling mystery uncover a stunning revelation!...

Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science)

  Implementing Environmental Management Accounting: Status and Challenges (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science)  Book DescriptionThis is the third book of selected papers on environmental management accounting (EMA) which has been developed by the Environmental Management Accounting Network - Europe (EMAN–Eu), drawn primarily from papers presented at EMAN-Eu conferences, to bring together several examples of leading thinking and practice internationally in this rapidly developing area. The authors include academics and practitioners from industry and the subjects covered range from individual company experiences with implementing EMA to national experiences regarding the adoption and diffusion of EMA practices. The papers included in the book provide several examples of how EMA can be applied in practice both in large corporations and in small and medium-sized enterprises, and of various tools and techniques applied in this process. The book is intended for all those interested in EMA as either researchers or practitioners. It will also be of interest both to those interested in how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis is the third book of selected papers on environmental management accounting (EMA) which has been developed by the Environmental Management Accounting Network - Europe (EMAN–Eu), drawn primarily from papers presented at EMAN-Eu conferences, to bring together several examples of leading thinking and practice internationally in this rapidly developing area. The authors include academics and practitioners from industry and the subjects covered range from individual company experiences with implementing EMA to national experiences regarding the adoption and diffusion of EMA practices. The papers included in the book provide several examples of how EMA can be applied in practice both in large corporations and in small and medium-sized enterprises, and of various tools and techniques applied in this process. The book is intended for all those interested in EMA as either researchers or practitioners. It will also be of interest both to those interested in how......

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The Rest of Love : Poems. Carl Phillips . Книги.

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