Путь Александра Блока

Натан Венгров

  Путь Александра Блока  Натан Венгров  Издательство Академии наук СССР.   Автор книги Моисей Павлович Венгров (Натан Венгров) не дожил до ее выхода из печати. Книгу он вынашивал в течение многих лет. Отдельные статьи о своем любимом поэте, рецензии на книги о нем, кандидатская диссертация Издательство Академии наук СССР. Автор книги Моисей Павлович Венгров (Натан Венгров) не дожил до ее выхода из печати. Книгу он вынашивал в течение многих лет. Отдельные статьи о своем любимом поэте, рецензии на книги о нем, кандидатская диссертация "Ранний Блок", статья "Блок и Горький", специальный курс, посвященный Блоку, в Литературном институте ССП (1945 г.) - все это легло в основу настоящей книги - итог многих трудов, творческих дум и непрестанных размышлений автора....

Огни в тумане. Рерих - художник-мыслитель

Всеволод Н. Иванов

  Огни в тумане. Рерих - художник-мыслитель  Всеволод Н. Иванов  Советский писатель. Москва.   Очерки известного русского писателя Всеволода Иванова (1888 - 1971), долгое время находившегося в эмиграции. Советский писатель. Москва. Очерки известного русского писателя Всеволода Иванова (1888 - 1971), долгое время находившегося в эмиграции. "Огни в тумане" - блестящая политическая оценка Октябрьской революции - увидели свет в эмигрантском Харбине в 1932 году. В 1940 году в Риге были опубликованы очерки "Рерих - художник-мыслитель", посвященные нравственным исканиям оригинальнейшего русского ученого. Публикация этой книги - свидетельство продолжающейся революции мышления....

The Florida Jobbank

Richard Wallace

  The Florida Jobbank  Richard Wallace  Adams Publishing Group.   The Adams JobBank series has been the leading series of employment directories since 1980. The entire series contains 4,000 employer listings of companies in all industries, with up-to-date information including: Company profiles Addresses Phone & fax numbers E-Mail & Web addresses Hiring managers Common professional positions Projected hires Educational backgrounds sought Internships offered Benefits Executive search firms & placement agencies Professional associations World Wide Web sites for job hunters CD-ROM job-search sources Sample resumes & cover letters Job-search advice  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adams Publishing Group. The Adams JobBank series has been the leading series of employment directories since 1980. The entire series contains 4,000 employer listings of companies in all industries, with up-to-date information including: Company profiles Addresses Phone & fax numbers E-Mail & Web addresses Hiring managers Common professional positions Projected hires Educational backgrounds sought Internships offered Benefits Executive search firms & placement agencies Professional associations World Wide Web sites for job hunters CD-ROM job-search sources Sample resumes & cover letters Job-search advice...

Cross-Border Investing : The Case of Central and Eastern Europe

Julia Djarova

  Cross-Border Investing : The Case of Central and Eastern Europe  Julia Djarova  Book Description Cross-Border Investing: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe offers a view that reflects two main hypotheses: -You cannot understand foreign direct investment (FDI) trends and developments unless you understand the company's motives to invest, -You cannot understand a company's cross-border investment decision-making unless you understand what the investment area offers. This is the reason why this text builds up a relationship between the world of companies' decision-makers and that of the policy makers in the public sector. It does so by linking the business processes to the factors that together constitute the location profile of a country or a region. Based on more than 15 years of practical experience as well as research in the field of FDI, Dr Julia Djarova offers a Cross-Border Investment Model to describe the logic behind the decision-making process concerning foreign investments made by companies. The model is illustrated by a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Cross-Border Investing: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe offers a view that reflects two main hypotheses: -You cannot understand foreign direct investment (FDI) trends and developments unless you understand the company's motives to invest, -You cannot understand a company's cross-border investment decision-making unless you understand what the investment area offers. This is the reason why this text builds up a relationship between the world of companies' decision-makers and that of the policy makers in the public sector. It does so by linking the business processes to the factors that together constitute the location profile of a country or a region. Based on more than 15 years of practical experience as well as research in the field of FDI, Dr Julia Djarova offers a Cross-Border Investment Model to describe the logic behind the decision-making process concerning foreign investments made by companies. The model is illustrated by a......

Vector Optimization : Set-valued and Variational Analysis (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)

Guang-ya Chen

  Vector Optimization : Set-valued and Variational Analysis (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)  Guang-ya Chen  Book DescriptionThis book is devoted to vector or multiple criteria approaches in optimization. Topics covered include: vector optimization, vector variational inequalities, vector variational principles, vector minmax inequalities and vector equilibriumproblems. In particular, problems with variable ordering relations and set-valued mappings are treated. The nonlinear scalarization method is extensively used throughout the book to deal with various vector-related problems. The results presented are original and should be interesting to researchers and graduates in applied mathematics and operations research. Readers will benefit from new methods and ideas for handling multiple criteria decision problems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book is devoted to vector or multiple criteria approaches in optimization. Topics covered include: vector optimization, vector variational inequalities, vector variational principles, vector minmax inequalities and vector equilibriumproblems. In particular, problems with variable ordering relations and set-valued mappings are treated. The nonlinear scalarization method is extensively used throughout the book to deal with various vector-related problems. The results presented are original and should be interesting to researchers and graduates in applied mathematics and operations research. Readers will benefit from new methods and ideas for handling multiple criteria decision problems....

<<<  Японский язык. Особенности научно-технического стиля. Н. В. Кутафьева             Embedding Ethics: Shifting Boundaries of the Anthropological ... >>>

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Путь Александра Блока. Натан Венгров . Книги.

Батайск, Рязань, Иваново, Обнинск, Новосибирск, Киселёвск, Королёв, Воронеж, Элиста, Сызрань, Старый Оскол, Кисловодск, Петрозаводск, Невинномысск, Братск, Псков, Калининград, Киров, Рязань,
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