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Tested Advertising Methods John Caples
Prentice Hall. Here is the "bible" of proven advertising techniques, now completely revised and updated to reflect today's competitive marketplace! A legend in advertising for move than sixty years, John Caples still serves as a guide to generations of creative marketing people. Now his classic work on how to create successful advertising has beer revised and updated by respected advertising consultant Fred Hahn, with an introduction by Gordon White, author of John Caples: Adman and coauthor of Basic Advertising, Second Edition, and Advertising Writing, Third Edition. This all-new Filth Edition retains all of the clarity, candid analysis, time-tested experience and invaluable, award-winning ideas from the original, while bringing it right up to the minute. It shows you the proven selling techniques that remove guesswork from advertising, making it a science of sure results. You'll discover, for example, how to: Write a powerful headline; Increase the selling......
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Enbrel - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading." Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so....
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The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications Alan Gatherer, Edgar Auslander
With the introduction of WAP in Europe and I-mode in Japan, mobile terminals took their first steps out of the world of mobile telephony and into the world of mobile data. At the same time, the shift from 2nd generation to 3rd generation cellular technology has increased the potential data rate available to mobile users by tenfold as well as shifting data transport from circuit switched to packet data. These fundamental shifts in nature and the quantity of data available to mobile users has led to an explosion in the number of applications being developed for future digital terminal devices. Though these applications are diverse they share a common need for complex Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and in most cases benefit from the use of programmable DSPs (Digital Signal Processors). Features contributions from experts who discuss the implementation and applications of programmable DSPs Includes detailed introductions to speech coding, speech recognition,......
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Боги тропической Африки Б. Оля
Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства "Наука". Боги тропической Африки. Книга французского ученого Б. Оля посвящена главным образом верованиям и культам традиционных обществ Тропической Африки. В работе использованы результаты его собственных наблюдений и исследований....
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В мире античных образов П. Ф. Преображенский
Едиториал УРСС. "Илиада" и Гомер, "Одиссея" и Гомер, Теренций и его время, Спартак, Миф о Катилине, Поэт золотой середины, Вольтер античности, Флобер и "Саламбо", Флобер и "Святой Антоний", "Ипатия" Ч. Кингсли. Предлагаемая читателю книга видного историка и этнографа П.Ф.Преображенского (1894-1941) - мастера ярких исторических картин, талантливого автора забытого ныне жанра научно-популярных очерков, - отличается блестящей литературной формой, свободной от тоскливой наукообразности. Книга включает очерки о гомеровской "Илиаде" и "Одиссее", статью "Теренций и его время", где кратко обрисована кипевшая в то время в римском обществе борьба и обстановка, в которой возникла новоаттическая комедия. Очерк "Вольтер античности" посвящен Лукиану. В очерке "Миф о Катилине" Преображенский включается в спор о фигуре Катилины, возникший в исторической традиции. Читатель с интересом прочтет также очерки о Флобере, Ч.Кингсли и др. Рекомендуется широкому кругу читателей....
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Tested Advertising Methods. John Caples . Книги.
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