Профессиональная психологическая помощь подростку

Г. Навайтис

  Профессиональная психологическая помощь подростку  Г. Навайтис  МПСИ, МОДЭК.   Библиотека психолога.   Монография впервые издается на русском языке. В ней - весь спектр основных трудностей подростка: проблемы в школе, трудности в общении со сверстниками, проблемы взаимодействия с родителями и другими значимыми взрослыми, внутренние конфликты, угрожающие социализации, здоровью, развитию личности подростка. Психологам, социальным специалистам, педагогам и студентам особенно полезен методический аспект работы - использование разнообразных способов воздействия на подростка в практике консультирования. Родители могут узнать, какой помощи можно ожидать от профессионального консультанта и чем они сами способны облегчить решение обострившихся проблем.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин МПСИ, МОДЭК. Библиотека психолога. Монография впервые издается на русском языке. В ней - весь спектр основных трудностей подростка: проблемы в школе, трудности в общении со сверстниками, проблемы взаимодействия с родителями и другими значимыми взрослыми, внутренние конфликты, угрожающие социализации, здоровью, развитию личности подростка. Психологам, социальным специалистам, педагогам и студентам особенно полезен методический аспект работы - использование разнообразных способов воздействия на подростка в практике консультирования. Родители могут узнать, какой помощи можно ожидать от профессионального консультанта и чем они сами способны облегчить решение обострившихся проблем....

Programmable Logic Fundamentals Using Xilinx ISE

  Programmable Logic Fundamentals Using Xilinx ISE  Denton J. Dailey  Denton J. Dailey  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Denton J. Dailey...

Home-Based Business For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))

Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Peter Economy

  Home-Based Business For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))  Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Peter Economy  Thanks to the Internet, home-based businesses are booming. With a home computer and a good idea, you can market and sell almost anything in the world just from home. Whether you’re selling homemade jams or working as a business consultant, today’s entrepreneur doesn’t even have to leave home. Home-Based Business For Dummies , 2 nd Edition will help you make your endeavor profitable and successful! Ideal for future entrepreneurs who have the urge and want the know-how, this updated guide includes new information on home business scams and how to avoid them, shows how to create an efficient, comfortable (but not too comfortable) work environment, explains how to put new technologies to work for you, and much more. There’s even a 10-question quiz to help you determine if you’re ready. You’ll learn all the basics, including: Selecting the right kind of business for you Setting up a home...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thanks to the Internet, home-based businesses are booming. With a home computer and a good idea, you can market and sell almost anything in the world just from home. Whether you’re selling homemade jams or working as a business consultant, today’s entrepreneur doesn’t even have to leave home. Home-Based Business For Dummies , 2 nd Edition will help you make your endeavor profitable and successful! Ideal for future entrepreneurs who have the urge and want the know-how, this updated guide includes new information on home business scams and how to avoid them, shows how to create an efficient, comfortable (but not too comfortable) work environment, explains how to put new technologies to work for you, and much more. There’s even a 10-question quiz to help you determine if you’re ready. You’ll learn all the basics, including: Selecting the right kind of business for you Setting up a home......

Accounting Ethics: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management (Critical Perspectives on Business and Management)

  Accounting Ethics: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management (Critical Perspectives on Business and Management)  The ruination of investors in Enron, WorldCom, Waste Management, Aldelphia, Tyco and scores of other business concerns has raised questions about the adequacy and relevance of academic research into accounting ethics, as well as the ethical nature of professional parties. This research collection includes important papers from key journals and books that reassess theories, research studies, and professional practices in the field of accounting ethics. In addition to examining the current crisis in the creditability of financial reports, many of the papers here work toward developing a body of knowledge that will protect the investing public in the future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ruination of investors in Enron, WorldCom, Waste Management, Aldelphia, Tyco and scores of other business concerns has raised questions about the adequacy and relevance of academic research into accounting ethics, as well as the ethical nature of professional parties. This research collection includes important papers from key journals and books that reassess theories, research studies, and professional practices in the field of accounting ethics. In addition to examining the current crisis in the creditability of financial reports, many of the papers here work toward developing a body of knowledge that will protect the investing public in the future....

Japan-ness in Architecture

Arata Isozaki, Toshiko Mori

  Japan-ness in Architecture  Arata Isozaki, Toshiko Mori  Japanese architect Arata Isozaki sees buildings not as dead objects but as events that encompass the social and historical context -- not to be defined forever by their Japanese architect Arata Isozaki sees buildings not as dead objects but as events that encompass the social and historical context -- not to be defined forever by their "everlasting materiality" but as texts to be interpreted and reread continually. In Japan-ness in Architecture , he identifies what is essentially Japanese in architecture from the seventh to the twentieth century. In the opening essay, Isozaki analyzes the struggles of modern Japanese architects, including himself, to create something uniquely Japanese out of modernity. He then circles back in history to find what he calls Japan-ness in the seventh-century Ise shrine, reconstruction of the twelfth-century Todai-ji Temple, and the seventeenth-century Katsura Imperial Villa. He finds the periodic ritual relocation of Ise's precincts a counter to the West's concept of architectural permanence, and the repetition of the ritual an alternative to modernity's anxious quest for origins. He traces the "constructive......

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Профессиональная психологическая помощь подростку. Г. Навайтис . Книги.

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