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Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions, Volume 8 (Advances in Applied Business Strategy) Ron Sanchez
Book DescriptionThe competence-based perspective on strategy and management emerged in the 1990s as a new approach to developing strategy and management theory and practice. In the past decade, the focus on organizational competences -- and the resources, capabilities, and processes that create competences -- has provided a highly productive "broad church" for theory development, research, and practice in both strategic and general management. Authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners working within the competence perspective, the papers in this volume contribute to developing a better theoretical and practical understanding of interfirm interactions that significantly affect an organization's competences. The papers present both theoretical developments and empirical research based on a variety of case studies and other research in diverse industrial and geographical contexts. The papers in this volume develop three themes. Part......
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A Systems Approach to Social and Organizational Planning: Cure for the Mess in Health Care Gerrit Van Wyk
Book Description A Systems Approach to Social And Organizational Planning is about systems thinking and its application in health care. Health care systems all over the world are on the verge of breakdown and neither patients nor governments andbusinesses can afford health care delivery as we know it any longer. The problem is that planners still conceptualize enormously complex biological and social systems in a simplistic manner. An analysis of the problem indicates that the solution lies in using a holistic apporoach, such as the systems approach, to re-conceptualize our thinking about the problem situation. The result is a systems view of health, which has profound implications for planning and change management in health care. It is a fresh and different approach to an intractable problem and therefore deserves the attention of both systems thinkers and health care planners. The purpose of the text is to introduce readers to the systems approach and to contribute......
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Toothpicks and Logos: Design in Everyday Life John Heskett
Book DescriptionDesign touches virtually every aspect of our lives, imbuing the most humdrum of objects with meaning. In Toothpicks and Logos, John Heskett illuminates a subject as vast and complex as human life itself, ranging from the earliest found implements in our history--the stick, the shell, the cupped hand--to modern advertising logos, software interfaces, and even the lowly toothpick. Here is a truly groundbreaking book, one that will transform the way we think about design, revealing how integral it is to our daily lives, from the spoon we use to eat our breakfast cereal, to the car we drive to work in, to the medical equipment used to save lives. Design, Heskett writes, is one of the most basic expressions of what it is to be human--the reshaping of the environment to meet our needs and answer our desires, capturing both utility and aesthetics. Going beyond issues of style and taste, he describes how different cultures and individuals personalize objects--even simple......
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Horror at the Drive-In: Essays in Popular Americana
Book DescriptionDrive-in movie theaters and the horror films shown at them during the 1950s, 60s, and early 70s may be somewhat outdated, but they continue to enthrall movie buffs today. More than just fodder for the satirical cannons of Joe Bob Briggs and Mystery Science Theatre 3000, they appeal to knowledgeable fans and film scholars who understand their influence on American popular culture. This book is a collection of eighteen essays by various scholars on the classic drive-in horror film experience. Those in Section One emphasize the roles of the drive-in theater in the United States?and its cultural cousin, Australia. Section Two examines how horror operated at the drive-in, the rhetoric used in coming attraction trailers, horror film premieres at drive-ins, double features, and the preproduction, production, and marketing of Last House on the Left. Section Three addresses the effects of the Vietnam War and counter-culture on The Texas Chainsaw......
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Babylon 5: The League of Non-Aligned Worlds (Babylon 5) A. Hahn
Book DescriptionBabylon 5 has given the small worlds that make up The League of Non-Aligned Worlds a voice on the galactic level, and has allowed them to act on almost equal footing with the more powerful races. This book introduces in great detail the races and planets of this political alliance, providing games masters and players with invaluable information on dealing with them in the Babylon 5 universe....
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Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions, Volume 8 (Advances in Applied Business Strategy). Ron Sanchez . Книги.
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