Henry Clay Frick

George Harvey

  Henry Clay Frick  George Harvey  Written by a close friend, this is the story of the industrialist, art collector, and benefactor.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Written by a close friend, this is the story of the industrialist, art collector, and benefactor....

The Wealth of Nature

Robert Nadeau

  The Wealth of Nature  Robert Nadeau  Virtually all of the large-scale damage to the global environment is caused by global economic activities, and the vast majority of economic planners in both business and government have been trained in neoclassical economic theory. In this hardhitting book, Robert Nadeau first demonstrates that the central legitimating construct in neoclassical economics, Adam Smith's invisible hand, is a product of eighteenth century Deism and that Smith's understanding of the Virtually all of the large-scale damage to the global environment is caused by global economic activities, and the vast majority of economic planners in both business and government have been trained in neoclassical economic theory. In this hardhitting book, Robert Nadeau first demonstrates that the central legitimating construct in neoclassical economics, Adam Smith's invisible hand, is a product of eighteenth century Deism and that Smith's understanding of the "natural laws of economics" is based on metaphysical assumptions. Nadeau then shows that the architects of neoclassical economics, all of whom were trained as engineers, incorporated Smith's assumptions about the lawful dynamics of market systems into a mathematical formalismborrowed wholesale from a soon-to-be outmoded mid-nineteenth century physics. Absurdly, these now-famous economists substituted economic variables for the physical variables in the equations of this physics, and this became the basis......

The Souls of the Skyscraper: Female Clerical Workers in Chicago, 1870-1930 (WOMEN OF LETTERS)

Lisa M Fine

  The Souls of the Skyscraper: Female Clerical Workers in Chicago, 1870-1930 (WOMEN OF LETTERS)  Lisa M Fine  During the late nineteenth century, a visitor to the city of Chicago would have looked in wonder at the many strange, new, and exciting sights: the nation?s first skyscrapers, the bustling and congested streets, the large department stores, and the business girls. The Souls of the Skyscraper documents and explains the transformation of clerical work from a male to a female occupation amidst the industrialization and urbanization of the United States. Using literary, organizational, statistical, cinematic, and archival evidence primarily from Chicago, Lisa M. Fine explains the historical reasons why clerical work became women?s work. The appearance of the female clerical worker in the business office signaled two on-going developments: the simple shift of women entering and dominating office jobs that were previously held by men, and the changing gender definition of clerical work. This new opportunity for employment provided women with relatively well-paying and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин During the late nineteenth century, a visitor to the city of Chicago would have looked in wonder at the many strange, new, and exciting sights: the nation?s first skyscrapers, the bustling and congested streets, the large department stores, and the business girls. The Souls of the Skyscraper documents and explains the transformation of clerical work from a male to a female occupation amidst the industrialization and urbanization of the United States. Using literary, organizational, statistical, cinematic, and archival evidence primarily from Chicago, Lisa M. Fine explains the historical reasons why clerical work became women?s work. The appearance of the female clerical worker in the business office signaled two on-going developments: the simple shift of women entering and dominating office jobs that were previously held by men, and the changing gender definition of clerical work. This new opportunity for employment provided women with relatively well-paying and......

Running Training Like a Business: Delivering Unmistakable Value

David Van Adelsberg, Edward A. Trolley

  Running Training Like a Business: Delivering Unmistakable Value  David Van Adelsberg, Edward A. Trolley  Here is a tried and tested model showing how training organizations can do more with less and deliver more tangible business value for each training dollar. This book shows how training organizations can revamp and develop new standards for measuring performance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Here is a tried and tested model showing how training organizations can do more with less and deliver more tangible business value for each training dollar. This book shows how training organizations can revamp and develop new standards for measuring performance....

Your Old Wiring

David E. Shapiro

  Your Old Wiring  David E. Shapiro  *Written by a master electrician this book shows homeowners and do-it-yourselfers how to go behind the walls of their old homes and correct messy, outdated wiring *Packed with over 250 photos and illustrations, 10 common wiring projects (like installing ceiling fans) and before and after photographs *The only house wiring book that shows how to identify and correct old electrical wiring, simply and safely  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин *Written by a master electrician this book shows homeowners and do-it-yourselfers how to go behind the walls of their old homes and correct messy, outdated wiring *Packed with over 250 photos and illustrations, 10 common wiring projects (like installing ceiling fans) and before and after photographs *The only house wiring book that shows how to identify and correct old electrical wiring, simply and safely...

<<<  Тайна мужского имени. Полная энциклопедия имен. Хигир Б. Ю.             Патология. Джонатан Келлерман >>>

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Henry Clay Frick. George Harvey . Книги.

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