Opportunities in Acting Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in)

Dick Moore

  Opportunities in Acting Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in)  Dick Moore  Book Description Opportunities In . . . series gives you valuable career insight into your job field of choice! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities In . . . explores a vast range of professions. In Opportunities in Acting Careers , you will find: The latest information on the field Training and education requirements you will need Salary statistics for different positions Up-to-date professional and Internet resources And much more  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Opportunities In . . . series gives you valuable career insight into your job field of choice! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities In . . . explores a vast range of professions. In Opportunities in Acting Careers , you will find: The latest information on the field Training and education requirements you will need Salary statistics for different positions Up-to-date professional and Internet resources And much more...

Global Handbook on Food and Water Safety: For the Education of Food Industry Management, Food Handlers, and Consumers

Sonia Yuson, Ph.D. De Leon

  Global Handbook on Food and Water Safety: For the Education of Food Industry Management, Food Handlers, and Consumers  Sonia Yuson, Ph.D. De Leon  Book DescriptionThis book is a practical reference on food and water safety that will be useful for food managers, trainers/educators, food handlers, and consumers worldwide. The first two chapters emphasize the importance of food and water safety on health and life maintenance. Each chapter has an introductory paragraph that states the objective and scope of the chapter text. Definitions of useful terms, tables, and illustrations serve to make the key points better understood and easier to remember. Review questions at the end of each chapter enhance the learning experience, and the chapter references will give the reader a chance to delve into areas of interest for further information. A very unique feature of this book is the segment on foodborne disease outbreaks. A selection of fifty cases are presented that provide important learning tools for problem-solving and evaluating foodborne illnesses. Water safety is explained in great detail, whether it is used for drinking and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book is a practical reference on food and water safety that will be useful for food managers, trainers/educators, food handlers, and consumers worldwide. The first two chapters emphasize the importance of food and water safety on health and life maintenance. Each chapter has an introductory paragraph that states the objective and scope of the chapter text. Definitions of useful terms, tables, and illustrations serve to make the key points better understood and easier to remember. Review questions at the end of each chapter enhance the learning experience, and the chapter references will give the reader a chance to delve into areas of interest for further information. A very unique feature of this book is the segment on foodborne disease outbreaks. A selection of fifty cases are presented that provide important learning tools for problem-solving and evaluating foodborne illnesses. Water safety is explained in great detail, whether it is used for drinking and......

Controversies in Contemporary Advertising

Kim Bartel Sheehan

  Controversies in Contemporary Advertising  Kim Bartel Sheehan  Book Description Book Description "This is an important book for those contemplating entering the advertising field as professionals. The book exposes readers to the issues that most professionals will likely confront in this highly volatile, often controversial, industry. Most importantly Bartel Sheehan provides logical, concise arguments exposing multiple perspectives that will help those new to the advertising industry better understand both sides of a number of complex issues." --Chris Cakebread, Boston University ......

Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge

Petra Kuppers

  Disability and Contemporary Performance: Bodies on Edge  Petra Kuppers  Book DescriptionThrough an analysis of various disabled performance artists and companies, this book investigates core issues affecting both Book DescriptionThrough an analysis of various disabled performance artists and companies, this book investigates core issues affecting both "everyday" and "art-framed" performances. Disability and Contemporary Performance addresses performances as social and cultural interventions, and as acts on the edges of representational categories and embodied presence. Disabled performers challenge established aesthetic norms everytime they enter the public domain....

Pale Yellow Sun

Gene Shiles

  Pale Yellow Sun  Gene Shiles  Book DescriptionThe people of Emil, living a relatively idyllic life in a bountiful land, learn that they will soon face great change. Like it or not, they must end their isolation and become entangled in the most critical problem menacing the rest of civilization. All of their concerns, both societal and personal, must make way for the new challenge. Andy Landis is a young engineer recently graduated from prestigious East Quadrant University. He has been offered a great new job, and is just beginning a romance with a young woman he has known since childhood. His plans take a turn when he is asked to take part in a decision crucial to his society's future. He soon learns that the choice will be between the ruin of his beautiful homeland and mass murder --and that the decision could be his alone. To make this terrible choice, Andy must uncover secrets from that society's tragic early days. Download DescriptionThe people of Emil, living a relatively idyllic...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe people of Emil, living a relatively idyllic life in a bountiful land, learn that they will soon face great change. Like it or not, they must end their isolation and become entangled in the most critical problem menacing the rest of civilization. All of their concerns, both societal and personal, must make way for the new challenge. Andy Landis is a young engineer recently graduated from prestigious East Quadrant University. He has been offered a great new job, and is just beginning a romance with a young woman he has known since childhood. His plans take a turn when he is asked to take part in a decision crucial to his society's future. He soon learns that the choice will be between the ruin of his beautiful homeland and mass murder --and that the decision could be his alone. To make this terrible choice, Andy must uncover secrets from that society's tragic early days. Download DescriptionThe people of Emil, living a relatively idyllic......

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Opportunities in Acting Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in). Dick Moore . Книги.

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