The Hotel Book: Great Escapes Africa

Shelley-Maree Cassidy

  The Hotel Book: Great Escapes Africa  Shelley-Maree Cassidy  Taschen.   Whether you've always dreamed of a vacation in Africa or never even considered it, take one look through this book and you'll be planning your next five holidays before you know it. Our selection of the most splendid getaway havens nestled throughout the continent is sure to please even the most finicky would-be voyagers. Everything you need to know about each hotel, including pricing, services, contact information, and reading recommendations, is provided alongside opulent interior and exterior photographs. Who minds sleeping under a mosquito net when it's royally draped over your bed in a lush Kenyan open-walled hut fashioned from tree trunks and shielded from the sun by a sumptuous thatched roof? Or how about your very own South African A-frame beachside bungalow made of bamboo stalks? Seeing is believing, for sure, but even with the photos as evidence these places are not to be believed….  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Taschen. Whether you've always dreamed of a vacation in Africa or never even considered it, take one look through this book and you'll be planning your next five holidays before you know it. Our selection of the most splendid getaway havens nestled throughout the continent is sure to please even the most finicky would-be voyagers. Everything you need to know about each hotel, including pricing, services, contact information, and reading recommendations, is provided alongside opulent interior and exterior photographs. Who minds sleeping under a mosquito net when it's royally draped over your bed in a lush Kenyan open-walled hut fashioned from tree trunks and shielded from the sun by a sumptuous thatched roof? Or how about your very own South African A-frame beachside bungalow made of bamboo stalks? Seeing is believing, for sure, but even with the photos as evidence these places are not to be believed…....

Nick Enright: An Actor's Playwright. (Australian Playwrights)

  Nick Enright: An Actor's Playwright. (Australian Playwrights)  Nick Enright (1950-2003) was one of Australia's most significant and successful playwrights. As a writer, director, actor and teacher he influenced theatre in Australia for thirty years. Enright wrote more than fifty plays for the stage, film, television and radio, translated and adapted more, and taught acting to students in varied settings, both in Australia and the United States. His writing repertoire included comedy, social realism, farce, fantasy and the musical. In addition to his prodigious contribution to all of these genres, he was a passionate advocate for the actor and the theatre in contemporary society. In this volume Anne Pender and Susan Lever present a set of essays and recollections about Nick Enright's work for students, teachers and scholars. The book offers a comprehensive study of Enright's writing for theatre, film and television. Scholars, acting teachers and theatre directors have contributed to this work each illuminating an aspect of Enright's remarkable...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Nick Enright (1950-2003) was one of Australia's most significant and successful playwrights. As a writer, director, actor and teacher he influenced theatre in Australia for thirty years. Enright wrote more than fifty plays for the stage, film, television and radio, translated and adapted more, and taught acting to students in varied settings, both in Australia and the United States. His writing repertoire included comedy, social realism, farce, fantasy and the musical. In addition to his prodigious contribution to all of these genres, he was a passionate advocate for the actor and the theatre in contemporary society. In this volume Anne Pender and Susan Lever present a set of essays and recollections about Nick Enright's work for students, teachers and scholars. The book offers a comprehensive study of Enright's writing for theatre, film and television. Scholars, acting teachers and theatre directors have contributed to this work each illuminating an aspect of Enright's remarkable......


  BAHRAIN  Bahrain is a thriving, independent, forward-looking state: a constitutional monarchy which sets standards among its neighbors for democratic reform including female suffrage, and for respect for human rights, freedom of expression, and the independence of its judiciary. Bahrain is the first comprehensive, fully illustrated book on this fascinating island state.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Bahrain is a thriving, independent, forward-looking state: a constitutional monarchy which sets standards among its neighbors for democratic reform including female suffrage, and for respect for human rights, freedom of expression, and the independence of its judiciary. Bahrain is the first comprehensive, fully illustrated book on this fascinating island state....

Прикольные антистрессовые поделки в офисе

Джимми Найт, Том Чалмерс

  Прикольные антистрессовые поделки в офисе  Джимми Найт, Том Чалмерс  Ниола-Пресс.   Вы и не догадываетесь, что свободное время на работе, которое вы обычно тратите на разгадывание кроссвордов или покупки в Интернете, можно провести гораздо интереснее. В этой книге представлены проекты забавных поделок из канцелярских кнопок, ластиков, скрепок, бумаги и многих других предметов, присутствующих на вашем рабочем столе. Включите фантазию - и время на работе пройдет незаметно.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ниола-Пресс. Вы и не догадываетесь, что свободное время на работе, которое вы обычно тратите на разгадывание кроссвордов или покупки в Интернете, можно провести гораздо интереснее. В этой книге представлены проекты забавных поделок из канцелярских кнопок, ластиков, скрепок, бумаги и многих других предметов, присутствующих на вашем рабочем столе. Включите фантазию - и время на работе пройдет незаметно....

Bell Founding (Shire Library)

Trevor S. Jennings

  Bell Founding (Shire Library)  Trevor S. Jennings  The age-old craft of bellfounding involves specialised techniques and equipment that have been passed down through generations and are still used today. For centuries, the large bells in churches, clocks and public buildings throughout Britain have been cast, hung, and tuned by bellfounders and this book surveys the history of bell production and the development of moulding and casting techniques. To achieve the correct pitch each bell would be hand corrected with a hammer and chisel, an extremely noisy process which continued until the nineteenth century when the mechanised lathe was introduced. This book describes the intricate tuning process and the role of the bellfounder and specially prepared photographs illustrate the production process of some of the most famous foundries in Britain, such as those at Whitechapel and Loughborough.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The age-old craft of bellfounding involves specialised techniques and equipment that have been passed down through generations and are still used today. For centuries, the large bells in churches, clocks and public buildings throughout Britain have been cast, hung, and tuned by bellfounders and this book surveys the history of bell production and the development of moulding and casting techniques. To achieve the correct pitch each bell would be hand corrected with a hammer and chisel, an extremely noisy process which continued until the nineteenth century when the mechanised lathe was introduced. This book describes the intricate tuning process and the role of the bellfounder and specially prepared photographs illustrate the production process of some of the most famous foundries in Britain, such as those at Whitechapel and Loughborough....

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The Hotel Book: Great Escapes Africa. Shelley-Maree Cassidy . Книги.

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