Training Games

  Training Games  Steve Sugar  Steve Sugar  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Steve Sugar...

You Deserve More

Jewel Diamond Taylor

  You Deserve More  Jewel Diamond Taylor  Kimani Press.   Even the smartest women can make mistakes when it comes to relationships. We give away our hearts, only to realize he's not looking to commit. Or we try to keep a relationship alive, sacrificing our power and our self-respect, refusing to acknowledge the flaws that everyone else can see. We deserve more. You deserve more. And, with this book, you'll find out how to get it. Nationally renowned motivational speaker Jewel Diamond Taylor empowers women and helps them overcome self-defeating behavior. Insecurity, desperation, jealousy, loneliness…all these factors can keep you in a destructive cycle of unloving, unfulfilling relationships. Through the powerful insights and life lessons in this book, Jewel shows women everywhere how to raise their relationship IQ so they can make smart love choices. By boosting self-esteem and developing spiritual discernment, you'll learn how to create a foundation of communication, intimacy and trust, and how to build a relationship that's...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kimani Press. Even the smartest women can make mistakes when it comes to relationships. We give away our hearts, only to realize he's not looking to commit. Or we try to keep a relationship alive, sacrificing our power and our self-respect, refusing to acknowledge the flaws that everyone else can see. We deserve more. You deserve more. And, with this book, you'll find out how to get it. Nationally renowned motivational speaker Jewel Diamond Taylor empowers women and helps them overcome self-defeating behavior. Insecurity, desperation, jealousy, loneliness…all these factors can keep you in a destructive cycle of unloving, unfulfilling relationships. Through the powerful insights and life lessons in this book, Jewel shows women everywhere how to raise their relationship IQ so they can make smart love choices. By boosting self-esteem and developing spiritual discernment, you'll learn how to create a foundation of communication, intimacy and trust, and how to build a relationship that's......

Sultans, Shamans, and Saints: Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia

  Sultans, Shamans, and Saints: Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia  Howard M. Federspiel  Howard M. Federspiel  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Howard M. Federspiel...

The Threshing Floor: How to Know Without a Doubt That God Hears Your Every Prayer

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Cowgirls, Cockroaches and Celebrity Lingerie: The World's Most Unusual Museums

Michelle Lovric

  Cowgirls, Cockroaches and Celebrity Lingerie: The World's Most Unusual Museums  Michelle Lovric  Totem Books.   Museums may have a reputation for being boring, dusty and outdated but Michelle Lovric's new books crushes that stereotype and shows the fascinating, fun and sometimes frightening collections that are housed in the museums of today. There are museums devoted to Jell-O, liars, peanuts and the Dakota Dinosaur. From the Salem Witch Museum to Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum, via the House of Terror, take a tour of the worlds most unusual collections.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Totem Books. Museums may have a reputation for being boring, dusty and outdated but Michelle Lovric's new books crushes that stereotype and shows the fascinating, fun and sometimes frightening collections that are housed in the museums of today. There are museums devoted to Jell-O, liars, peanuts and the Dakota Dinosaur. From the Salem Witch Museum to Marvin's Marvellous Mechanical Museum, via the House of Terror, take a tour of the worlds most unusual collections....

<<<  Без гнева и пристрастия. Анатолий Степанов             Патология. Джонатан Келлерман >>>

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Training Games. Steve Sugar . Книги.

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