The Business of Healthcare Innovation

  The Business of Healthcare Innovation  Robert Lawton Burns focuses on the key role of the 'producers' as the main source of innovation in this wide-ranging analysis of business trends in the manufacturing branch of the health care industry. Written by industry academics and executives, the book provides a detailed overview of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, genomics/proteomics, medical device and information technology sectors. Most importantly, it describes the growing convergence between these sectors and the need for executives in one sector to increasingly draw upon trends in the others.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert Lawton Burns focuses on the key role of the 'producers' as the main source of innovation in this wide-ranging analysis of business trends in the manufacturing branch of the health care industry. Written by industry academics and executives, the book provides a detailed overview of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, genomics/proteomics, medical device and information technology sectors. Most importantly, it describes the growing convergence between these sectors and the need for executives in one sector to increasingly draw upon trends in the others....

John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace

Donald John Markwell

  John Maynard Keynes and International Relations: Economic Paths to War and Peace  Donald John Markwell  The ideas of John Maynard Keynes revolutionised twentieth-century economics, and continue to provoke debate today. This book explores fully, for the first time, Keynes' thinking on international relations and its links to his views on economics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ideas of John Maynard Keynes revolutionised twentieth-century economics, and continue to provoke debate today. This book explores fully, for the first time, Keynes' thinking on international relations and its links to his views on economics....

Aid, Institutions And Development: New Approaches to Growth, Governance And Poverty

Ashok Chakravarti

  Aid, Institutions And Development: New Approaches to Growth, Governance And Poverty  Ashok Chakravarti  In spite of massive flows over the past 50 years, aid has failed to have any significant impact on development. Marginalization from the world economy and increases in absolute poverty are causing countries to degenerate into failed, oppressive and, in some cases, dangerous states. To address this malaise, Ashok Chakravarti argues that there should be more recognition of the role economic and political governance can play in achieving positive and sustainable development outcomes. Using the latest empirical findings on aid and growth, this book reveals how good governance can be achieved by radically restructuring the international aid architecture. This can be realised if the governments of donor nations and international financial institutions refocus their aid programs away from the transfer of resources and so-called poverty reduction measures, and instead play a more forceful role in the developing world to achieve the necessary political and institutional reform. Only in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In spite of massive flows over the past 50 years, aid has failed to have any significant impact on development. Marginalization from the world economy and increases in absolute poverty are causing countries to degenerate into failed, oppressive and, in some cases, dangerous states. To address this malaise, Ashok Chakravarti argues that there should be more recognition of the role economic and political governance can play in achieving positive and sustainable development outcomes. Using the latest empirical findings on aid and growth, this book reveals how good governance can be achieved by radically restructuring the international aid architecture. This can be realised if the governments of donor nations and international financial institutions refocus their aid programs away from the transfer of resources and so-called poverty reduction measures, and instead play a more forceful role in the developing world to achieve the necessary political and institutional reform. Only in......

Contending for Our All: Defending Truth and Treasuring Christ in the Lives of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machen (Piper, John, Swans Are Not Silent)

John Piper

  Contending for Our All: Defending Truth and Treasuring Christ in the Lives of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machen (Piper, John, Swans Are Not Silent)  John Piper  Athanasius. John Owen. J. Gresham Machen. Each of these men stood for the truth of God’s Word in the face of oppositiona€”all out of a deep love for Christ and a desire for people to know God in his fullness. Popularity was not a concern, and they took no joy in controversy for argument’s sake. However, these men were willing to suffer for the sake of guarding the sanctity of the gospel. Many threats, years of exile, deaths of loved ones, opposition from friends and authorities, sickness and paina€”none of these setbacks could keep these three from maintaining their efforts for the furthering of Christ’s Kingdom or quench their zeal for Christ himself. In his fourth book of The Swans Are Not Silent series, Contending for Our All , John Piper has given us biographies of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machena€”bishop, pastor, and seminary founder. In the life of each one, personal holiness was emphasized publicly and privately despite...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Athanasius. John Owen. J. Gresham Machen. Each of these men stood for the truth of God’s Word in the face of oppositiona€”all out of a deep love for Christ and a desire for people to know God in his fullness. Popularity was not a concern, and they took no joy in controversy for argument’s sake. However, these men were willing to suffer for the sake of guarding the sanctity of the gospel. Many threats, years of exile, deaths of loved ones, opposition from friends and authorities, sickness and paina€”none of these setbacks could keep these three from maintaining their efforts for the furthering of Christ’s Kingdom or quench their zeal for Christ himself. In his fourth book of The Swans Are Not Silent series, Contending for Our All , John Piper has given us biographies of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machena€”bishop, pastor, and seminary founder. In the life of each one, personal holiness was emphasized publicly and privately despite......

Eye to Eye: Photographs by Graham Nash

  Eye to Eye: Photographs by Graham Nash  Eye to Eye gathers for the first time more than 150 photographs by rock musician Graham Nash. While best known as a founding member of the rock band Crosby, Stills, Nash, and (sometimes) Young, Nash also developed a parallel career as a photographer, collector, and pioneer of digital imaging. Shot between 1969 and 2003, Nash's photographs include revealing portraits of family and friends, images of life on the road, still lifes and landscapes, street photographs, and a unique series of self-portraits which often shows him reflected in windows and mirrors. Eye to Eye establishes Nash as a masterful visual artist with a keen eye for moments and scenes not immediately available to the common eye. I see the world very differently than most people; I'm much more interested in surreal moments that disappear unless you have your camera there to take it. I never shoot pictures of landscapes or kittens with balls of wool. The surreal to me is much more of a turn on. Everyday, ordinary...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Eye to Eye gathers for the first time more than 150 photographs by rock musician Graham Nash. While best known as a founding member of the rock band Crosby, Stills, Nash, and (sometimes) Young, Nash also developed a parallel career as a photographer, collector, and pioneer of digital imaging. Shot between 1969 and 2003, Nash's photographs include revealing portraits of family and friends, images of life on the road, still lifes and landscapes, street photographs, and a unique series of self-portraits which often shows him reflected in windows and mirrors. Eye to Eye establishes Nash as a masterful visual artist with a keen eye for moments and scenes not immediately available to the common eye. I see the world very differently than most people; I'm much more interested in surreal moments that disappear unless you have your camera there to take it. I never shoot pictures of landscapes or kittens with balls of wool. The surreal to me is much more of a turn on. Everyday, ordinary......

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