Leading Corporate Citizens : Vision, Values, Value Added

Sandra Waddock

  Leading Corporate Citizens : Vision, Values, Value Added  Sandra Waddock  Book DescriptionWaddock’s Leading Corporate Citizens is designed for the instructor interested in cutting-edge thinking and research in the 21st century. This innovative text incorporates important new features of the modern business landscape yetto be brought into Business and Society texts. Leading Corporate Citizens operates at 3 levels of leadership: individual, organizational, and societal. The premise is that businesses operate successfully in society when they respect and are responsibleto stakeholders, that a balance is needed among sectors in society, and that vision and values can result in distinctive competencies that lead to value-added for companies of the 21st century.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWaddock’s Leading Corporate Citizens is designed for the instructor interested in cutting-edge thinking and research in the 21st century. This innovative text incorporates important new features of the modern business landscape yetto be brought into Business and Society texts. Leading Corporate Citizens operates at 3 levels of leadership: individual, organizational, and societal. The premise is that businesses operate successfully in society when they respect and are responsibleto stakeholders, that a balance is needed among sectors in society, and that vision and values can result in distinctive competencies that lead to value-added for companies of the 21st century....

Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques : Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions

Madanmohan Rao

  Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques : Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions  Madanmohan Rao  Book DescriptionKnowledge management (KM) - or the practice of using information and collaboration technologies and processes to capture organizational learning and thereby improve business performance - is becoming one of the key disciplines in management, especially in large companies. Many books, magazines, conferences, vendors, consultancies, Web sites, online communities and email lists have been formed around this concept. This practical book focuses on the vast offerings of KM solutionstechnology, content, and services. The focus is not on technology details, but on how KM and IT practitioners actually use KM tools and techniques. Over twenty case studies describe the real story of choosing and implementing various KM tools and techniques,and experts analyse the trends in the evolution of these technologies and tools, along with opportunities and challenges facing companies harnessing them. Lessons from successes and failures are drawn, along with roadmaps for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionKnowledge management (KM) - or the practice of using information and collaboration technologies and processes to capture organizational learning and thereby improve business performance - is becoming one of the key disciplines in management, especially in large companies. Many books, magazines, conferences, vendors, consultancies, Web sites, online communities and email lists have been formed around this concept. This practical book focuses on the vast offerings of KM solutionstechnology, content, and services. The focus is not on technology details, but on how KM and IT practitioners actually use KM tools and techniques. Over twenty case studies describe the real story of choosing and implementing various KM tools and techniques,and experts analyse the trends in the evolution of these technologies and tools, along with opportunities and challenges facing companies harnessing them. Lessons from successes and failures are drawn, along with roadmaps for......

Childish Things

Denise Davis

  Childish Things  Denise Davis  Book Description Taking the position that lost and abandoned toys retain repressed memories of prepubescent trauma and the deep-seated guilt associated with the playing of forbidden games, the photographic team of Davis & Davis have created staged images of mini-psychodramas using forlorn toys to portray the conflicted children who left them behind. In scenes such as a little boy stuck atop a teeter-totter and a baby falling out of a window while its father rushes to try and catch it, they explore the darker side of humanity, deflate the cherished myth of innocence, and point out that not even children are untainted and sinless.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Taking the position that lost and abandoned toys retain repressed memories of prepubescent trauma and the deep-seated guilt associated with the playing of forbidden games, the photographic team of Davis & Davis have created staged images of mini-psychodramas using forlorn toys to portray the conflicted children who left them behind. In scenes such as a little boy stuck atop a teeter-totter and a baby falling out of a window while its father rushes to try and catch it, they explore the darker side of humanity, deflate the cherished myth of innocence, and point out that not even children are untainted and sinless....

Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project

Alan Trachtenberg

  Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project  Alan Trachtenberg  Book DescriptionLegendary photographer W. Eugene Smith's epic study of Pittsburgh in the 1950s. In 1955, having just ended his high-profile but stormy career with Life magazine by resigning, W. Eugene Smith was commissioned to spend three weeks in Pittsburgh and produce one hundred photographs for noted journalist and author Stefan Lorant's book commemorating the city's bicentennial. Smith stayed a year, compiling nearly sixteen thousand photographs for what would be the most ambitious photographic essay of his life. But only a fragment of the work was ever seen, despite Smith's lifelong conviction that it was his greatest set of photographs. Now, in an astonishing, first-time assemblage, edited by Sam Stephenson, of the group of core picturesthat Smith asserted were the Book DescriptionLegendary photographer W. Eugene Smith's epic study of Pittsburgh in the 1950s. In 1955, having just ended his high-profile but stormy career with Life magazine by resigning, W. Eugene Smith was commissioned to spend three weeks in Pittsburgh and produce one hundred photographs for noted journalist and author Stefan Lorant's book commemorating the city's bicentennial. Smith stayed a year, compiling nearly sixteen thousand photographs for what would be the most ambitious photographic essay of his life. But only a fragment of the work was ever seen, despite Smith's lifelong conviction that it was his greatest set of photographs. Now, in an astonishing, first-time assemblage, edited by Sam Stephenson, of the group of core picturesthat Smith asserted were the "synthesis of the whole," we see a portrayal not just of Pittsburgh but also of America at mid-century by a master photojournalist. In his accompanying essay, Alan Trachtenberg provides a critical reading......

Further Grickle

Graham Annable

  Further Grickle  Graham Annable  Book DescriptionGraham Annable's follow up to his Harvey-nominated Grickle, further Grickle collects beautiful stories in which devilish comedy and eye-watering art enclose a rich, chocolaty center of sad poetry and bruised but intact innocence. Annable has been creating these stories for his own satisfaction concurrent with his commercial animation work, and it shows in their intimate, conversational tone and wholly personal outlook. The skills honed at his day job are just as evident in the deft, fluidway he puts his stylish figures through their paces - it's like listening to the eloquent solo improvisations of a jazz musician who has sharpened his chops playing every night in the band. Even several panels of an Annable character just sitting still at a table practically glitter with life and cartoon joy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionGraham Annable's follow up to his Harvey-nominated Grickle, further Grickle collects beautiful stories in which devilish comedy and eye-watering art enclose a rich, chocolaty center of sad poetry and bruised but intact innocence. Annable has been creating these stories for his own satisfaction concurrent with his commercial animation work, and it shows in their intimate, conversational tone and wholly personal outlook. The skills honed at his day job are just as evident in the deft, fluidway he puts his stylish figures through their paces - it's like listening to the eloquent solo improvisations of a jazz musician who has sharpened his chops playing every night in the band. Even several panels of an Annable character just sitting still at a table practically glitter with life and cartoon joy....

<<<  Мифы о сотворении мира. В. Петрухин             Российская государственность в терминах. IX — начало XX ... >>>

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Leading Corporate Citizens : Vision, Values, Value Added. Sandra Waddock . Книги.

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