Internet Effectively : A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web

Tyrone Adams

  Internet Effectively : A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web  Tyrone Adams  Book Description Internet Effectively is a comprehensive guide to maximizing your online experience. There’s a difference between simply being online and using the Internet effectively. This book provides readers with the theory and easy to follow hands on activities essential for novice Internet users to become proficient users. Whether you are just getting started, or you’ve been using the Internet for years, Internet Effectively will provide you with a better understanding of how the Internet works, how to use it effectively and how it affects our lives  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Internet Effectively is a comprehensive guide to maximizing your online experience. There’s a difference between simply being online and using the Internet effectively. This book provides readers with the theory and easy to follow hands on activities essential for novice Internet users to become proficient users. Whether you are just getting started, or you’ve been using the Internet for years, Internet Effectively will provide you with a better understanding of how the Internet works, how to use it effectively and how it affects our lives...

Modernism from Right to Left : Wallace Stevens, the Thirties, & Literary Radicalism (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)

Alan Filreis

  Modernism from Right to Left : Wallace Stevens, the Thirties, & Literary Radicalism (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)  Alan Filreis  Book DescriptionA study of relations between American radicalism and modernism in the 1930s, focusing on Wallace Stevens.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA study of relations between American radicalism and modernism in the 1930s, focusing on Wallace Stevens....

Colorful Lateral Thinking Puzzles

Paul Sloane

  Colorful Lateral Thinking Puzzles  Paul Sloane  Book Description Finally, a puzzle book as “bright” as its readers. Not only will puzzle-doers find wickedly tricky brainbusters on every page, but all the accompanying illustrations are in brilliant color too. And that makes unraveling these challenging conundrums even more fun. It will take some real smarts to figure this out: Diamonds are for never : Robbers knew that a woman had some very valuable diamonds. They waited until she was away on holiday and then burgled her house. They searched high and low but they could not find the diamonds. What had she done? The answer may seem hard at find at first, but solvers who can think unconventionally, and look past the obvious, will figure it out—and every other puzzle too. Answer : She froze each diamond in a separate section of a tray of ice cubes, where they were very hard to see.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Finally, a puzzle book as “bright” as its readers. Not only will puzzle-doers find wickedly tricky brainbusters on every page, but all the accompanying illustrations are in brilliant color too. And that makes unraveling these challenging conundrums even more fun. It will take some real smarts to figure this out: Diamonds are for never : Robbers knew that a woman had some very valuable diamonds. They waited until she was away on holiday and then burgled her house. They searched high and low but they could not find the diamonds. What had she done? The answer may seem hard at find at first, but solvers who can think unconventionally, and look past the obvious, will figure it out—and every other puzzle too. Answer : She froze each diamond in a separate section of a tray of ice cubes, where they were very hard to see....

Understanding Cosmetic Procedures : Surgical and Non-Surgical

Efrain Arroyave

  Understanding Cosmetic Procedures : Surgical and Non-Surgical  Efrain Arroyave  Book Description Understanding Cosmetic Procedures: Surgical and Non-Surgical is a book that is the first of its kind, focusing specifically on the growing popularity of a new breed of beauty specialists, the Skin Care Specialist. There is ever increasing interest from the baby boomer generation in looking and feeling younger, which in turn increases the demand for aesthetic procedures. The Skin Care Specialist is the answer to that demand. Skin Care Specialists provide pre and post-operative skin care as well as being able to offer many spa-type skin care procedures. Written in easily understandable terms, the reader will develop an understanding of both surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures without feeling overwhelmed. This book addresses all aspects of aesthetic medicine and will become and invaluable resource for the new learner, practicing professional, and curious individual considering an aesthetic procedure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Understanding Cosmetic Procedures: Surgical and Non-Surgical is a book that is the first of its kind, focusing specifically on the growing popularity of a new breed of beauty specialists, the Skin Care Specialist. There is ever increasing interest from the baby boomer generation in looking and feeling younger, which in turn increases the demand for aesthetic procedures. The Skin Care Specialist is the answer to that demand. Skin Care Specialists provide pre and post-operative skin care as well as being able to offer many spa-type skin care procedures. Written in easily understandable terms, the reader will develop an understanding of both surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures without feeling overwhelmed. This book addresses all aspects of aesthetic medicine and will become and invaluable resource for the new learner, practicing professional, and curious individual considering an aesthetic procedure....

Государственные деятели о мире и войне, о власти и свободе. Том 2 (Аудиокнига CD)

  Государственные деятели о мире и войне, о власти и свободе. Том 2 (Аудиокнига CD)  Директмедиа Паблишинг.   Выдающиеся мысли человечества.   Государственные деятели о мире и войне, о власти и свободе. Том 2.   Серия аудиокниг «Выдающиеся мысли человечества» – это коллекция самых известных, глубоких, остроумных и оригинальных изречений в истории человечества. Во втором томе серии собраны высказывания знаменитых политиков и прославленных полководцев, европейских монархов и восточных владык, от царя Соломона до Черчилля. Как видят этот мир те, кто решает его судьбу? Какова природа человека и каковы особенности разных народов, что такое власть и свобода, как подчинить людей своей воле? - Своими мыслями и опытом с Вами поделятся самые изворотливые умы последних тысячелетий. Часто политики неотделимы от своих высказываний так же, как и от своих свершений - афоризмы позволят Вам узнать больше о великих мира сего и, возможно, о самих себе. На диске представлены изречения Конфуция, Лао-Цзы, Соломона, Ликурга, Аристотеля, Александра Македонского, Цезаря, Октавиана Августа, Сенеки, Цицерона, Марка Аврелия, кардинала Ришелье, Людовика XVIII, Наполеона I, Петра I,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Директмедиа Паблишинг. Выдающиеся мысли человечества. Государственные деятели о мире и войне, о власти и свободе. Том 2. Серия аудиокниг «Выдающиеся мысли человечества» – это коллекция самых известных, глубоких, остроумных и оригинальных изречений в истории человечества. Во втором томе серии собраны высказывания знаменитых политиков и прославленных полководцев, европейских монархов и восточных владык, от царя Соломона до Черчилля. Как видят этот мир те, кто решает его судьбу? Какова природа человека и каковы особенности разных народов, что такое власть и свобода, как подчинить людей своей воле? - Своими мыслями и опытом с Вами поделятся самые изворотливые умы последних тысячелетий. Часто политики неотделимы от своих высказываний так же, как и от своих свершений - афоризмы позволят Вам узнать больше о великих мира сего и, возможно, о самих себе. На диске представлены изречения Конфуция, Лао-Цзы, Соломона, Ликурга, Аристотеля, Александра Македонского, Цезаря, Октавиана Августа, Сенеки, Цицерона, Марка Аврелия, кардинала Ришелье, Людовика XVIII, Наполеона I, Петра I,......

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Internet Effectively : A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web. Tyrone Adams . Книги.

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