Gabay's Copywriting Compendium

Jonathan Gabay

  Gabay's Copywriting Compendium  Jonathan Gabay  Book DescriptionMarketers, creative writers, and individuals for whom copywriting forms part of their job are often required to produce innovative and engaging copy in a short space of time. Creativity is not always to hand, and therefore on some occasions additional help is required to find the right phrase, description or slogan. Gabay's Copywriting Compendium contains a wealth of inspiring tips, ideas and descriptions to aid the writing process, such as advice on spelling and grammar, examplesof rhyming words, suggested euphemisms, and odd facts. The compendium goes on to provide a Book DescriptionMarketers, creative writers, and individuals for whom copywriting forms part of their job are often required to produce innovative and engaging copy in a short space of time. Creativity is not always to hand, and therefore on some occasions additional help is required to find the right phrase, description or slogan. Gabay's Copywriting Compendium contains a wealth of inspiring tips, ideas and descriptions to aid the writing process, such as advice on spelling and grammar, examplesof rhyming words, suggested euphemisms, and odd facts. The compendium goes on to provide a "Top 25 Rules" section for a number of key topics, such as how to brainstorm, how to write innovative copy, and how to think creatively. The text has been carefully designed to ensure the material can be accessed quickly and easily, and the easy to read layout will assist copywriters in finding appropriate help at any particular moment. * All the creative writing answers you need at your......

AGENT of the Gentle Empire with New Technology

Jonathon Barbera

  AGENT of the Gentle Empire with New Technology  Jonathon Barbera  Book DescriptionThe Gentle Empire and the insectoid hive mind are metaphors for the division and factionalism found in modern society and culture. From 1740 through 2144, the Gentle Empire drops its repetitive payloads of new technological wonders and corresponding propaganda values. Television takes center stage for a time and then it's replaced with robots and holographic projections. Finally, virtual reality makes actual reality obsolete! The competing alien empires will have to make the ultimate sacrifice and succeed against the odds even though both sides are so equally matched. Who will win? It truly could go either way. Will agents Zippity and Zappity succeed with their propaganda mission to win over the Earth or will they be thwarted by the insectoid hive mind? (This is the third volume in the Media Armageddon trilogy that began with Gorgeous Robot Flesh and The Next Paradigm for Human Living. The events in this volume occur simultaneously with the events of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Gentle Empire and the insectoid hive mind are metaphors for the division and factionalism found in modern society and culture. From 1740 through 2144, the Gentle Empire drops its repetitive payloads of new technological wonders and corresponding propaganda values. Television takes center stage for a time and then it's replaced with robots and holographic projections. Finally, virtual reality makes actual reality obsolete! The competing alien empires will have to make the ultimate sacrifice and succeed against the odds even though both sides are so equally matched. Who will win? It truly could go either way. Will agents Zippity and Zappity succeed with their propaganda mission to win over the Earth or will they be thwarted by the insectoid hive mind? (This is the third volume in the Media Armageddon trilogy that began with Gorgeous Robot Flesh and The Next Paradigm for Human Living. The events in this volume occur simultaneously with the events of the......

The Hidden Dragon: Knights of the Silver Dragon, Book 7 (Knights of the Silver Dragon)

Lisa Trumbauer

  The Hidden Dragon: Knights of the Silver Dragon, Book 7 (Knights of the Silver Dragon)  Lisa Trumbauer  Mirrorstone; 1 edition.   The seventh title in a new fantasy adventure series for young readers. The Hidden Dragon continues a new series of adventures written specifically for readers ages 8-12. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series follows the adventures of three children who, through their heroic deeds, become members of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Dragon. This opportunity will be extended to readers of the series as well, whereby young readers can become Knights of the Silver Dragon.Young readers are encouraged to join and participate in the club, and in turn they will receive free giveaways, special correspondence, and other benefits. The series will be given extensive support through  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mirrorstone; 1 edition. The seventh title in a new fantasy adventure series for young readers. The Hidden Dragon continues a new series of adventures written specifically for readers ages 8-12. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series follows the adventures of three children who, through their heroic deeds, become members of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Dragon. This opportunity will be extended to readers of the series as well, whereby young readers can become Knights of the Silver Dragon.Young readers are encouraged to join and participate in the club, and in turn they will receive free giveaways, special correspondence, and other benefits. The series will be given extensive support through

Paradox: Book I of the Nulapeiron Sequence (Nulapeiron Sequence)

John Meaney

  Paradox: Book I of the Nulapeiron Sequence (Nulapeiron Sequence)  John Meaney  Book DescriptionCenturies of self-imposed isolation have transformed Nulapeiron into a world unlike any other - a world of vast subterranean cities maintained by extraordinary organic technologies. For the majority of its peoples, however such wonders have little meaning. Denied their democratic rights and restricted to the impoverished lower levels, they are subjected to the brutal law of the Logic Lords and the Oracles, supra-human beings whose ability to truecast the future maintains the status quo. But all this is about to change. In a crowded marketplace a mysterious, beautiful woman is brutally cut down by a militia squad's graser fire. Amongst the horrified onlookers is young Tom Corcorigan. He recognizes her. Only the previous day she hadpresented him with a small, seemingly insignificant info-crystal. And only now, as the fire in the dying stranger's obsidian eyes fades, does he comprehend who - or what - she really was: a figure from legend, one of the fabled Pilots....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionCenturies of self-imposed isolation have transformed Nulapeiron into a world unlike any other - a world of vast subterranean cities maintained by extraordinary organic technologies. For the majority of its peoples, however such wonders have little meaning. Denied their democratic rights and restricted to the impoverished lower levels, they are subjected to the brutal law of the Logic Lords and the Oracles, supra-human beings whose ability to truecast the future maintains the status quo. But all this is about to change. In a crowded marketplace a mysterious, beautiful woman is brutally cut down by a militia squad's graser fire. Amongst the horrified onlookers is young Tom Corcorigan. He recognizes her. Only the previous day she hadpresented him with a small, seemingly insignificant info-crystal. And only now, as the fire in the dying stranger's obsidian eyes fades, does he comprehend who - or what - she really was: a figure from legend, one of the fabled Pilots.......

Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media

Mitchell Schwarzer

  Zoomscape: Architecture in Motion and Media  Mitchell Schwarzer  Book DescriptionAlthough a few among us are intrepid architectural tourists, visiting buildings and landscapes our cameras at the ready, most of us experience architecture through the windshield of a moving vehicle, the architectural experience reduced to a blurry and momentary drive-by. And the rest of our architectural Book DescriptionAlthough a few among us are intrepid architectural tourists, visiting buildings and landscapes our cameras at the ready, most of us experience architecture through the windshield of a moving vehicle, the architectural experience reduced to a blurry and momentary drive-by. And the rest of our architectural "tourism" is through the images of cameras, movies, and television programs -- that is, through the lens of another's eye. Architectural hisotrian Mitchell Schwarzer calls this new mediated architectural experience the "zoomscape." In this thought-provoking book, he argues that the perception of architecture has been fundamentally altered by the technologies of transportation and the camera -- we now look at buildings, neighborhoods, cities, and even entire continents as we ride in trains, cars, and planes, and/or as we view photographs, movies, and television. Zoomscape shows how we now perceive buildings and places at high speeds, across great distances, through......

<<<  Введение в динамику жидкости. Дж. К. Бэтчелор             Российская государственность в терминах. IX — начало XX ... >>>

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Gabay's Copywriting Compendium. Jonathan Gabay . Книги.

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