Encyclopedia of Soil Science (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series) (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

  Encyclopedia of Soil Science (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series) (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Promoting Health Care Transitions for Adolescents With Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities

Editor Cecily Lynn Betz, Wendy M. Nehring

  Promoting Health Care Transitions for Adolescents With Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities  Editor Cecily Lynn Betz, Wendy M. Nehring  Paul H Brookes Pub Co.   This book provides professionals from both health care and educational backgrounds with comprehensive information about the health-care related aspects of transition planning for adolescents with special health care needs and/or disabilities. The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on what is currently considered best practice in health care transition planning, including legal and ethical issues, health insurance options, long-term care, and accommodations in educational and work settings. The second part provides practical information about assessing, developing, and determining outcomes for health care transitions. The third part concentrates on coordination between health care and non-health care professionals in the areas of education, rehabilitation, and employment services.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Paul H Brookes Pub Co. This book provides professionals from both health care and educational backgrounds with comprehensive information about the health-care related aspects of transition planning for adolescents with special health care needs and/or disabilities. The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on what is currently considered best practice in health care transition planning, including legal and ethical issues, health insurance options, long-term care, and accommodations in educational and work settings. The second part provides practical information about assessing, developing, and determining outcomes for health care transitions. The third part concentrates on coordination between health care and non-health care professionals in the areas of education, rehabilitation, and employment services....

The Yoga of Truth: Jnana: The Ancient Path of Silent Knowledge

  The Yoga of Truth: Jnana: The Ancient Path of Silent Knowledge  Peter Marchand  Peter Marchand  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Peter Marchand...

Spoils of the Kingdom: Clergy Misconduct and Religious Community

Anson Shupe

  Spoils of the Kingdom: Clergy Misconduct and Religious Community  Anson Shupe  University of Illinois Press.   In University of Illinois Press. In "Spoils of the Kingdom", Anson Shupe investigates clergy misconduct as it has recently unfolded across five faith-based groups. Looking at episodes of abuse in the Roman Catholic, Mormon, African American Protestant, white Evangelical Protestant, and First Nations communities, "Spoils of the Kingdom" tackles hard questions about the sexual abuse of women and children, but also about economic frauds perpetrated by church leaders (including embezzlement, misrepresented missions, and outright theft) as well as cases of excessively authoritarian control of members' health, lifestyles, employment, and politics. Drawing on case evidence, Shupe employs classical and modern social exchange theories to explain the institutional dynamics of clergy misconduct. He argues that there is an implicit contract of reciprocity and compliance between congregants and religious leaders that, when amplified by the charismatic awe often associated with religious authorities, can lead to misconduct....

The Official Book of Wordoku #3: Sudoku Puzzles for Word Lovers

Frank Longo

  The Official Book of Wordoku #3: Sudoku Puzzles for Word Lovers  Frank Longo  Sterling.   Here's more fun for wordoku lovers: a third Sterling. Here's more fun for wordoku lovers: a third "Official" puzzle collection! And this time, the there's something new: several 10 x 10 puzzles to go along with the 9 x 9's and 12 x 12's. Wordoku follows the same basic principles as sudoku, except that solvers fill the grid with letters. Under each grid, the letters for that puzzle appear, in a pronounceable anagram. Then, just like the original, you arrange them so that every letter appears in every column, every row, and every box just one time. Unlike sudoku, the fun doesn't end there, because the answer to the anagram lies buried inside the grid. But beware: in some cases the anagram actually has more than one possible solution!...

<<<  All New Crafts for Mother's Day and Father's Day (All-New Holiday Crafts for Kids). ...             Российская государственность в терминах. IX — начало XX ... >>>

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Encyclopedia of Soil Science (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series) (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series). . Книги.

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