Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg--Chester Carlson and the Birth of Xerox

David Owen

  Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg--Chester Carlson and the Birth of Xerox  David Owen  A lone inventor and the story of how one of the most revolutionary inventions of the twentieth century almost didn't happen. Introduced in 1960, the first plain-paper office copier is unusual among major high-technology invenions in that its central process was conceived by a single person. Chester Carlson grew up in unspeakable poverty, worked his way through junior college and the California Institute of Technology, and made his discovery in solitude in the depths of the Grat Depression. He offered his big idea to two dozen major corporations -- among them IBM, RCA, and General Electric -- all of which turned him down. So persistent was this failure of capitalistic vision that by the time the Xerox 914 was manufactured, by n obscure photographic-supply company in Rochester, New York, Carlson's original patent had expired. Xerography was so unusual and nonintuitive that it conceivably could have been overlooked entirely. Scientists who visited the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A lone inventor and the story of how one of the most revolutionary inventions of the twentieth century almost didn't happen. Introduced in 1960, the first plain-paper office copier is unusual among major high-technology invenions in that its central process was conceived by a single person. Chester Carlson grew up in unspeakable poverty, worked his way through junior college and the California Institute of Technology, and made his discovery in solitude in the depths of the Grat Depression. He offered his big idea to two dozen major corporations -- among them IBM, RCA, and General Electric -- all of which turned him down. So persistent was this failure of capitalistic vision that by the time the Xerox 914 was manufactured, by n obscure photographic-supply company in Rochester, New York, Carlson's original patent had expired. Xerography was so unusual and nonintuitive that it conceivably could have been overlooked entirely. Scientists who visited the......

Немецкая овчарка. Содержание и уход

Д. Морган

  Немецкая овчарка. Содержание и уход  Д. Морган  Аквариум-Принт.   Домашние животные.   Немецкая овчарка, без сомнения, одна их самых универсальных, исполнительных и энергичных пород. Она прекрасно поддается дрессировке и лучше всех справляется со служебной работой и самыми разными видами спорта. Известная своей элегантностью и очарованием, дисциплинированностью и умом, немецкая овчарка обожает своих хозяев. Если вы сможете завоевать ее сердце, она останется вашим самым преданным другом на всю жизнь! Формат: 16,5 см х 23 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум-Принт. Домашние животные. Немецкая овчарка, без сомнения, одна их самых универсальных, исполнительных и энергичных пород. Она прекрасно поддается дрессировке и лучше всех справляется со служебной работой и самыми разными видами спорта. Известная своей элегантностью и очарованием, дисциплинированностью и умом, немецкая овчарка обожает своих хозяев. Если вы сможете завоевать ее сердце, она останется вашим самым преданным другом на всю жизнь! Формат: 16,5 см х 23 см....

Shoujo Manga Techniques: Writing Stories (Shoujo Manga Techniques)

Mako Itsuki

  Shoujo Manga Techniques: Writing Stories (Shoujo Manga Techniques)  Mako Itsuki  Many young girls dream of drawing the popular Many young girls dream of drawing the popular "shoujo" manga, Japanese style girls' comics. But they don't know where to begin. This charming book takes fans on a step-by-step journey, starting with developing ideas and creating characters, all the way through making scripts and blueprints, through pencil drafting, inking and erasing, and screen tone application....

The Food Lover's Guide to the Gourmet Secrets of Rome

Diane Seed

  The Food Lover's Guide to the Gourmet Secrets of Rome  Diane Seed  When in Rome, eat as the Romans do! Discover the hidden gourmet joys of eating and drinking in Rome just like the locals. Organized by neighborhood, the book is a tour through the gourmet treasures of the eternal city and features detailed reviews of it's best restaurants, markets, and specialty shops. Diane Seed, a locally based food expert and teacher, packs each section with details about which products or wines to seek out, which local eateries are musts, and which not-to-be-missed dishes are authentically local such as the fried artichokes of Trastevere or the Orvieto from the hills outside the city. Seed divides Rome into nine prime areas to explore, coordinating her culinary suggestions with the major sites in each area sure to be on a visitor's itinerary. Peppered throughout are forty traditional Roman recipes usually taught at the author's cooking school in the Piazza Venezia neighborhood.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When in Rome, eat as the Romans do! Discover the hidden gourmet joys of eating and drinking in Rome just like the locals. Organized by neighborhood, the book is a tour through the gourmet treasures of the eternal city and features detailed reviews of it's best restaurants, markets, and specialty shops. Diane Seed, a locally based food expert and teacher, packs each section with details about which products or wines to seek out, which local eateries are musts, and which not-to-be-missed dishes are authentically local such as the fried artichokes of Trastevere or the Orvieto from the hills outside the city. Seed divides Rome into nine prime areas to explore, coordinating her culinary suggestions with the major sites in each area sure to be on a visitor's itinerary. Peppered throughout are forty traditional Roman recipes usually taught at the author's cooking school in the Piazza Venezia neighborhood....

Савва Дангулов. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 4

Савва Дангулов

  Савва Дангулов. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 4  Савва Дангулов  Художественная литература. Москва.   Савва Дангулов. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах.   В четвертый том Собрания сочинений Саввы Дангулова вошел роман Художественная литература. Москва. Савва Дангулов. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. В четвертый том Собрания сочинений Саввы Дангулова вошел роман "Кузнецкий мост", книга третья. Автор обращается к событиям конца 1944 - середины 1945 года, когда советские войска перешли к окончательному разгрому гитлеровской армии, а государственные деятели и представители дипломатических служб союзных держав по антигитлеровской коалиции вплотную приступили к рассмотрению вопроса о послевоенном переустройстве мира....

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Copies in Seconds: How a Lone Inventor and an Unknown Company Created the Biggest Communication Breakthrough Since Gutenberg--Chester Carlson and the Birth of Xerox. David Owen . Книги.

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