Chess Tactics (Batsford Chess Book)

Paul Littlewood

  Chess Tactics (Batsford Chess Book)  Paul Littlewood  Book Description Every chess player has an intriguing array of tactics to choose from, and this comprehensive manual describes, analyzes, and teaches the best of them so beginners can understand the possibilities. Through progressively more difficultexercises and problems, novices will see how to deploy a variety of tactics for attack and how to defend against each type successfully. The result: a significantly better game.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Every chess player has an intriguing array of tactics to choose from, and this comprehensive manual describes, analyzes, and teaches the best of them so beginners can understand the possibilities. Through progressively more difficultexercises and problems, novices will see how to deploy a variety of tactics for attack and how to defend against each type successfully. The result: a significantly better game....

Flesh Inferno : Atrocities of Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. (The Blood History Series)

Simon Whitechapel

  Flesh Inferno : Atrocities of Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition. (The Blood History Series)  Simon Whitechapel  Book Description The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 to root out and destroy heretics against Catholicism. Tomas Torquemada, a Dominican Friar, was single-handedly responsible for engineering and implementing some of the cruellest forms of torture the world has ever known. This full-bloodied biographical account of Torquemada offers a no-holds-barred look at what really went on during the Spanish Inquisition, one of the most inhumane periods in history. The sequel to Caligula: Divine Carnage . Simon Whitechapel is also the author of Kamp Kulture (Creation, Aug '03) ?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 to root out and destroy heretics against Catholicism. Tomas Torquemada, a Dominican Friar, was single-handedly responsible for engineering and implementing some of the cruellest forms of torture the world has ever known. This full-bloodied biographical account of Torquemada offers a no-holds-barred look at what really went on during the Spanish Inquisition, one of the most inhumane periods in history. The sequel to Caligula: Divine Carnage . Simon Whitechapel is also the author of Kamp Kulture (Creation, Aug '03) ?...

Mary Gladstone : A Gentle Rebel

Sheila Gooddie

  Mary Gladstone : A Gentle Rebel  Sheila Gooddie  Book Description An intriguing account of a woman at the heart of world politics, half a century before women had the vote The world was at a point of transition between the Victorian age and the modern world of the twentieth century. The Ottoman Empire was in decline, the European states were jostling for power in Africa, industrialization and the coming of the railway age had transformed society and the working man and woman were starting to fight for their right to education, suffrage and a better way of life. Mary Gladstone was daughter and private secretary to William Gladstone, the eminent Liberal Prime Minister of the later Victorian age. Throughout the 1880s and 1890s she was at the heart of British politics, campaigning for her father, dealing with official correspondence and controlling access to the Prime Minister as well as disseminating and controlling information from the PM both to the press and to his ministers. This biography...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description An intriguing account of a woman at the heart of world politics, half a century before women had the vote The world was at a point of transition between the Victorian age and the modern world of the twentieth century. The Ottoman Empire was in decline, the European states were jostling for power in Africa, industrialization and the coming of the railway age had transformed society and the working man and woman were starting to fight for their right to education, suffrage and a better way of life. Mary Gladstone was daughter and private secretary to William Gladstone, the eminent Liberal Prime Minister of the later Victorian age. Throughout the 1880s and 1890s she was at the heart of British politics, campaigning for her father, dealing with official correspondence and controlling access to the Prime Minister as well as disseminating and controlling information from the PM both to the press and to his ministers. This biography......

Savvy Guide to Digital Music

Richard Mansfield

  Savvy Guide to Digital Music  Richard Mansfield  Book DescriptionWith music in digital form you become the disc jockey, with complete control over the music you own, and where you can listen to it. Digital music has grown tremendously as computers and broadband Internet connections have become more common in the home. Richard Mansfield has written a concise and informative text to help you get the most out of this revolution that?s destined to forever change our concept of music. Whether you want to simply compile a CD of your favorite songs, bestutilize your iPod, or manipulate digitally recorded songs, this book will be the background track to your success. Once music is in digital form you have a host of options for enjoying your collection of hits, whether they?re today?s DJ-inspired dance tunes, or classic tunes by the Beach Boys. Mansfield has 38 books to his credit and has put his experiences on paper for all to learn from. Topics addressed include: Digital Music Players ? Manipulating...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWith music in digital form you become the disc jockey, with complete control over the music you own, and where you can listen to it. Digital music has grown tremendously as computers and broadband Internet connections have become more common in the home. Richard Mansfield has written a concise and informative text to help you get the most out of this revolution that?s destined to forever change our concept of music. Whether you want to simply compile a CD of your favorite songs, bestutilize your iPod, or manipulate digitally recorded songs, this book will be the background track to your success. Once music is in digital form you have a host of options for enjoying your collection of hits, whether they?re today?s DJ-inspired dance tunes, or classic tunes by the Beach Boys. Mansfield has 38 books to his credit and has put his experiences on paper for all to learn from. Topics addressed include: Digital Music Players ? Manipulating......

Незнайка на луне

Николай Носов

  Незнайка на луне  Николай Носов  Эксмо.   Известный роман-сказка замечательного детского писателя Николая Николаевича Носова, рассказывающий об увлекательном, полном приключений путешествии Незнайки и его друзей-коротышек на Луну, об их встрече с лунитами и благополучном возвращении на Землю.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Известный роман-сказка замечательного детского писателя Николая Николаевича Носова, рассказывающий об увлекательном, полном приключений путешествии Незнайки и его друзей-коротышек на Луну, об их встрече с лунитами и благополучном возвращении на Землю....

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Chess Tactics (Batsford Chess Book). Paul Littlewood . Книги.

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