Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics

Richard A. Goodman, Michael W. Lawless

  Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics  Richard A. Goodman, Michael W. Lawless  In today's complex, dynamic competitive landscape, management of technology can mean the difference between success and failure. Managers and researchers alike need effective ways to conceptualize and develop technology strategies. Richard Goodman and Michael Lawless provide tools needed to integrate firms' technology capabilities with their competitive direction. Technology and Strategy presents models that help put technology and its market impacts into perspective. It addresses the broad questionsof how technology and markets evolve, how technology can re-order the In today's complex, dynamic competitive landscape, management of technology can mean the difference between success and failure. Managers and researchers alike need effective ways to conceptualize and develop technology strategies. Richard Goodman and Michael Lawless provide tools needed to integrate firms' technology capabilities with their competitive direction. Technology and Strategy presents models that help put technology and its market impacts into perspective. It addresses the broad questionsof how technology and markets evolve, how technology can re-order the "rules" of competition, and how it can shift the balance of individual firms' competitive advantage. It also blends topics currently capturing attention in business circles--such as Total Quality Management and the resource-based view of the firm--into a clear view of technology management programs. Technology and Strategy also describes methods to develop specific strategies to cope with challenges facing......

Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML

Khawar Zaman Ahmed, Cary E. Umrysh

  Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML  Khawar Zaman Ahmed, Cary E. Umrysh  Developing complex software requires more than just churning out lines of code. As a software architect or developer involved in an industrial project, you must understand and be able to leverage critical software sub-disciplines such as architecture, analysis and design techniques, development process, visual modeling, and the underlying technology to be successful. This book brings all these diverse elements together from the J2EE development perspective to provide a holistic approach for the reader. Specifically, this book tries to answer the following key questions: · What is UML and how is it relevant to J2EE development? · How do Java and UML relate to each other? · What are the key concepts in software architecture? · How does a software development process fit into the J2EE software development equation? · How can analysis and design help you in arriving at a better J2EE application design? · What are the key J2EE...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Developing complex software requires more than just churning out lines of code. As a software architect or developer involved in an industrial project, you must understand and be able to leverage critical software sub-disciplines such as architecture, analysis and design techniques, development process, visual modeling, and the underlying technology to be successful. This book brings all these diverse elements together from the J2EE development perspective to provide a holistic approach for the reader. Specifically, this book tries to answer the following key questions: · What is UML and how is it relevant to J2EE development? · How do Java and UML relate to each other? · What are the key concepts in software architecture? · How does a software development process fit into the J2EE software development equation? · How can analysis and design help you in arriving at a better J2EE application design? · What are the key J2EE......

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 PC for Dummies

Danny Briere, Pat Hurley

  Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 PC for Dummies  Danny Briere, Pat Hurley  The fun and easy way to get up and running quickly with Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition, the new operating system version specially outfitted for TV, DVD, video, music, and digital photo applications Media Center PCs are the first PCs to feature an easy-to-use interface and all preconfigured hardware and preloaded software needed to create a complete integrated home entertainment system Explains how to integrate a home computer network with a home theater system, control connected TVs with the Remote Control Interface, record TV programs using a TiVo-like recorder, acquire and play back music files, organize digital videos and photos, play DVD movies, and much more Written by the authors of Home Theater For Dummies (0-7645-1801-1)and Wireless Home Networking For Dummies (0-7645-3910-8), who worked closely with Media Center Edition product management at Microsoft to complete the book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The fun and easy way to get up and running quickly with Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition, the new operating system version specially outfitted for TV, DVD, video, music, and digital photo applications Media Center PCs are the first PCs to feature an easy-to-use interface and all preconfigured hardware and preloaded software needed to create a complete integrated home entertainment system Explains how to integrate a home computer network with a home theater system, control connected TVs with the Remote Control Interface, record TV programs using a TiVo-like recorder, acquire and play back music files, organize digital videos and photos, play DVD movies, and much more Written by the authors of Home Theater For Dummies (0-7645-1801-1)and Wireless Home Networking For Dummies (0-7645-3910-8), who worked closely with Media Center Edition product management at Microsoft to complete the book....

One Over X (Episode One) From the Inside to the Closer

Elgon Williams

  One Over X (Episode One) From the Inside to the Closer  Elgon Williams  There are no paradoxes; everything is an illusion. In the technopolis of New Amsterdam, the largest city on the continent, Andy Hunter is a lower level technician lost in the tangled confusion of all the ?What ifs? of life. The question is... ?whose life is it?? Lost in the nearly infinite alternative lifetimes of a multitude of other selves, Andy?s only hope of returning to his place of origin is the replication of the critically flawed device that he had constructed in hisnative reality. Unexpectedly the way back leads only to further complication and frustration. The new device unleashes magical powers while unlocking access to a fantastic world intrinsically linked to Earth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There are no paradoxes; everything is an illusion. In the technopolis of New Amsterdam, the largest city on the continent, Andy Hunter is a lower level technician lost in the tangled confusion of all the ?What ifs? of life. The question is... ?whose life is it?? Lost in the nearly infinite alternative lifetimes of a multitude of other selves, Andy?s only hope of returning to his place of origin is the replication of the critically flawed device that he had constructed in hisnative reality. Unexpectedly the way back leads only to further complication and frustration. The new device unleashes magical powers while unlocking access to a fantastic world intrinsically linked to Earth....

История первой мировой войны. 1914-1918. В двух томах. Том 1

  История первой мировой войны. 1914-1918. В двух томах. Том 1  Наука.   История первой мировой войны. 1914-1918. В двух томах. Том 1.   Настоящий труд с позиций марксистско-ленинской методологии освещает историю первой мировой войны 1914 - 1918 гг. Обобщая результаты работы своих предшественников, авторы на основе привлечения нового материала исследуют вопросы происхождения и подготовки войны, раскрывают ее империалистический характер. Труд содержит описание и анализ важнейших военных событий на всех сухопутных и морских театрах. Большое внимание уделяется изучению развития вооруженных сил и военного искусства, взаимосвязи политики и стратегии. Должное место отведено показу военно-политических итогов и уроков войны.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Наука. История первой мировой войны. 1914-1918. В двух томах. Том 1. Настоящий труд с позиций марксистско-ленинской методологии освещает историю первой мировой войны 1914 - 1918 гг. Обобщая результаты работы своих предшественников, авторы на основе привлечения нового материала исследуют вопросы происхождения и подготовки войны, раскрывают ее империалистический характер. Труд содержит описание и анализ важнейших военных событий на всех сухопутных и морских театрах. Большое внимание уделяется изучению развития вооруженных сил и военного искусства, взаимосвязи политики и стратегии. Должное место отведено показу военно-политических итогов и уроков войны....

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Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics. Richard A. Goodman, Michael W. Lawless . Книги.

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